On Sequences covering all rainbow $k$-progressions (bibtex)
by Leonardo Alese, Stefan Lendl and Paul Tabatabai
Leonardo Alese, Stefan Lendl and Paul Tabatabai, On Sequences covering all rainbow $k$-progressions, Journal of Combinatorics, 9(4), 739-745, (2018).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv   = {1802.03285},
  author  = {Leonardo Alese and Stefan Lendl and Paul Tabatabai},
  journal = {Journal of Combinatorics},
  title   = {On Sequences covering all rainbow $k$-progressions},
  year    = {2018},
  number  = {4},
  pages   = {739-745},
  volume  = {9},
  doi     = {10.4310/joc.2018.v9.n4.a9},
  groups  = {Project07 (Klinz), Project10 (Wallner), MultipleStudents, Student, External},
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