On the arithmetic of stable domains (bibtex)
by Aqsa Bashir, Alfred Geroldinger and Andreas Reinhart
Aqsa Bashir, Alfred Geroldinger and Andreas Reinhart, On the arithmetic of stable domains, Communications in Algebra, 49(11), 4763 – 4787, (2021).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv    = {2007.05574},
  author   = {Bashir, Aqsa and Geroldinger, Alfred and Reinhart, Andreas},
  journal  = {Communications in Algebra},
  title    = {On the arithmetic of stable domains},
  year     = {2021},
  number   = {11},
  pages    = {4763 -- 4787},
  volume   = {49},
  doi      = {10.1080/00927872.2021.1929275},
  groups   = {Project03 (Geroldinger), Faculty, Student, External},
  xxmrnumber = {4304671},
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