Hyperuniform point sets on the sphere: deterministic aspects (bibtex)
by Johann S. Brauchart, Peter J. Grabner and Wöden B. Kusner
Johann S. Brauchart, Peter J. Grabner and Wöden B. Kusner, Hyperuniform point sets on the sphere: deterministic aspects, Constr. Approx., 50, 45-61, (2019).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv   = {1709.02613},
  author  = {Brauchart, Johann S. and Grabner, Peter J. and Kusner, W{\"o}den B.},
  journal = {Constr. Approx.},
  title   = {{H}yperuniform point sets on the sphere: deterministic aspects},
  year    = {2019},
  pages   = {45-61},
  volume  = {50},
  doi     = {10.1007/s00365-018-9432-8},
  groups  = {Project04 (Grabner), Faculty, External},
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