The minimum bisection in the planted bisection model (bibtex)
by Amin Coja-Oghlan, Oliver Cooley, Mihyun Kang and Kathrin Skubch
Amin Coja-Oghlan, Oliver Cooley, Mihyun Kang and Kathrin Skubch, The minimum bisection in the planted bisection model, Theory of Computing, 13, Paper No. 8, 22, (2017).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv    = {1505.02985},
  author   = {Coja-Oghlan, Amin and Cooley, Oliver and Kang, Mihyun and Skubch, Kathrin},
  journal  = {Theory of Computing},
  title    = {The minimum bisection in the planted bisection model},
  year     = {2017},
  pages    = {Paper No. 8, 22},
  volume   = {13},
  doi      = {10.4086/toc.2017.v013a008},
  groups   = {Project15 (Kang), Faculty, External},
  xxmrnumber = {3706985},
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