Vanishing of cohomology groups of random simplicial complexes (bibtex)
by Oliver Cooley, Nicola Del Giudice, Mihyun Kang and Philipp Sprüssel
Oliver Cooley, Nicola Del Giudice, Mihyun Kang and Philipp Sprüssel, Vanishing of cohomology groups of random simplicial complexes, Random Structures Algorithms, 56(2), 461–500, (2020).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv      = {1806.04566},
  author     = {Cooley, Oliver and Del Giudice, Nicola and Kang, Mihyun and Spr{\"u}ssel, Philipp},
  journal    = {Random Structures Algorithms},
  title      = {Vanishing of cohomology groups of random simplicial complexes},
  year       = {2020},
  issn       = {1042-9832},
  number     = {2},
  pages      = {461--500},
  volume     = {56},
  doi        = {10.1002/rsa.20857},
  fjournal   = {Random Structures \& Algorithms},
  groups     = {Project15 (Kang), Faculty, Student, External, important},
  mrclass    = {05C80 (55U10 60F05)},
  mrnumber   = {4060353},
  mrreviewer = {David B. Penman},
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