Distinguishing graphs with infinite motion and nonlinear growth (bibtex)
by Johannes Cuno, Wilfried Imrich and Florian Lehner
Johannes Cuno, Wilfried Imrich and Florian Lehner, Distinguishing graphs with infinite motion and nonlinear growth, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 7(1), 201-213, (2014).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv    = {1311.4372},
  author   = {Johannes Cuno and Wilfried Imrich and Florian Lehner},
  journal  = {Ars Mathematica Contemporanea},
  title    = {Distinguishing graphs with infinite motion and nonlinear growth},
  year     = {2014},
  oatype   = {Gold},
  number   = {1},
  pages    = {201-213},
  volume   = {7},
  doi      = {10.26493/1855-3974.334.fe4},
  groups   = {Project01 (Woess), Project10 (Wallner), Faculty, MultipleStudents, Student},
  xxmrnumber = {3047620},
  url    = {http://amc-journal.eu/index.php/amc/article/view/334},
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