Hilbert cubes in progression-free sets and in the set of squares (bibtex)
by Rainer Dietmann and Christian Elsholtz
Rainer Dietmann and Christian Elsholtz, Hilbert cubes in progression-free sets and in the set of squares, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 192(1), 59-66, (2012).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv    = {1207.1461},
  author   = {Rainer Dietmann and Christian Elsholtz},
  journal  = {Israel Journal of Mathematics},
  title    = {Hilbert cubes in progression-free sets and in the set of squares},
  year     = {2012},
  number   = {1},
  pages    = {59-66},
  volume   = {192},
  doi      = {10.1007/s11856-012-0047-7},
  groups   = {Project13 (Elsholtz), Faculty, External},
  xxmrnumber = {3004074},
  xxurl    = {http://www.math.tugraz.at/discrete/publications/projects/files/elsholtz3.pdf},
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