Cyclically presented modules, projective covers and factorizations (bibtex)
by Alberto Facchini, Nguyen Khanh Tung and Daniel Smertnig
Alberto Facchini, Nguyen Khanh Tung and Daniel Smertnig, Cyclically presented modules, projective covers and factorizations, In Ring Theory and its Applications (Dinh Van Huynh, others, eds.), Amer. Math. Soc., 609, 89 – 106, (2014).
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Facchini, Alberto and Tung, Nguyen Khanh and Smertnig, Daniel},
  booktitle = {Ring Theory and its Applications},
  title     = {Cyclically presented modules, projective covers and factorizations},
  year      = {2014},
  editor    = {Dinh Van Huynh and others},
  pages     = {89 -- 106},
  publisher = {Amer. Math. Soc.},
  series    = {Contemp. Math.},
  volume    = {609},
  arxiv     = {1306.5710},
  doi       = {10.1090/conm/609},
  groups    = {Project03 (Geroldinger), Student, External},
  mrnumber  = {3204353},
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