The set of distances in Krull monoids (bibtex)
by Alfred Geroldinger and Pingzhi Yuan
Alfred Geroldinger and Pingzhi Yuan, The set of distances in Krull monoids, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 44(6), 1203 – 1208, (2012).
Bibtex Entry:
  author   = {Geroldinger, Alfred and Yuan, Pingzhi},
  journal  = {Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society},
  title    = {The set of distances in {K}rull monoids},
  year     = {2012},
  number   = {6},
  pages    = {1203 -- 1208},
  volume   = {44},
  doi      = {10.1112/blms/bds046},
  groups   = {Project03 (Geroldinger), Faculty, External},
  xxmrnumber = {3007652},
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