Factorization Theory in Commutative Monoids (bibtex)
by Alfred Geroldinger and Qinghai Zhong
Alfred Geroldinger and Qinghai Zhong, Factorization Theory in Commutative Monoids, Semigroup Forum, 100, 22 – 51, (2020).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv    = {1907.09869},
  author   = {Geroldinger, Alfred and Zhong, Qinghai},
  journal  = {Semigroup Forum},
  title    = {Factorization Theory in Commutative Monoids},
  year     = {2020},
  oatype   = {hybrid},
  pages    = {22 -- 51},
  volume   = {100},
  doi      = {10.1007/s00233-019-10079-0},
  groups   = {Project03 (Geroldinger), Faculty, External},
  xxmrnumber = {4061567},
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