A Note on the Relation between Recognisable Series and Regular Sequences, and their Minimal Linear Representations (bibtex)
by Clemens Heuberger, Daniel Krenn and Gabriel F. Lipnik
Clemens Heuberger, Daniel Krenn and Gabriel F. Lipnik, A Note on the Relation between Recognisable Series and Regular Sequences, and their Minimal Linear Representations, (2021). (submitted)
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv  = {2201.13446},
  author = {Clemens Heuberger and Daniel Krenn and Gabriel F. Lipnik},
  title  = {A Note on the Relation between Recognisable Series and Regular Sequences, and their Minimal Linear Representations},
  year   = {2021},
  note   = {submitted},
  groups = {Project13 (Elsholtz), External, Student, submitted},
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