Optimality of the Width-$w$ Non-adjacent Form: General Characterisation and the Case of Imaginary Quadratic Bases (bibtex)
by Clemens Heuberger and Daniel Krenn
Clemens Heuberger and Daniel Krenn, Optimality of the Width-$w$ Non-adjacent Form: General Characterisation and the Case of Imaginary Quadratic Bases, Journal of Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 25(2), 353-386, (2013).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv    = {1110.0966v1},
  author   = {Clemens Heuberger and Daniel Krenn},
  journal  = {Journal of Th\'eorie des Nombres de Bordeaux},
  title    = {Optimality of the Width-$w$ Non-adjacent Form: General Characterisation and the Case of Imaginary Quadratic Bases},
  year     = {2013},
  number   = {2},
  pages    = {353-386},
  volume   = {25},
  groups   = {Project05 (Heuberger), Faculty, Student},
  xxmrnumber = {3228312},
  url      = {http://jtnb.cedram.org/jtnb-bin/item?id=JTNB_2013__25_2_353_0},
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