Distinguishing graphs of maximum valence 3 (bibtex)
by Svenja Hüning, Wilfried Imrich, Judith Kloas, Hannah Schreiber and Thomas Tucker
Svenja Hüning, Wilfried Imrich, Judith Kloas, Hannah Schreiber and Thomas Tucker, Distinguishing graphs of maximum valence 3, Electronic J. Combinatorics, 26, #P4.36:1–26, (2019).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv   = {1709.05797},
  author  = {Svenja H{\"u}ning and Wilfried Imrich and Judith Kloas and Hannah Schreiber and Thomas Tucker},
  journal = {Electronic J. Combinatorics},
  title   = {Distinguishing graphs of maximum valence 3},
  year    = {2019},
  oatype  = {Gold},
  pages   = {{\#P4}.36:1--26},
  volume  = {26},
  doi     = {10.37236/7281},
  groups  = {Project01 (Woess), Project10 (Wallner), Faculty, MultipleStudents, Student, External},
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