The phase transition in multitype binomial random graphs (bibtex)
by Mihyun Kang, Christoph Koch and Angélica Pachón
Mihyun Kang, Christoph Koch and Angélica Pachón, The phase transition in multitype binomial random graphs, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 29(2), 1042–1064, (2015).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv      = {1407.6248},
  author     = {Kang, Mihyun and Koch, Christoph and Pach{\'o}n, Ang{\'e}lica},
  journal    = {SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics},
  title      = {The phase transition in multitype binomial random graphs},
  year       = {2015},
  issn       = {0895-4801},
  number     = {2},
  pages      = {1042--1064},
  volume     = {29},
  doi        = {10.1137/140973256},
  fjournal   = {SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics},
  groups     = {Project15 (Kang), Faculty, Student, External},
  mrclass    = {05C80 (60J80)},
  mrnumber   = {3356979},
  mrreviewer = {Tatyana S. Turova},
  xxurl      = {},
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