Matroid Bases with Cardinality Constraints on the Intersection (bibtex)
by Stefan Lendl, Britta Peis and Veerle Timmermans
Stefan Lendl, Britta Peis and Veerle Timmermans, Matroid Bases with Cardinality Constraints on the Intersection, Math. Programming, (2021).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv   = {1907.04741},
  author  = {Stefan Lendl and Britta Peis and Veerle Timmermans},
  journal = {Math. Programming},
  title   = {Matroid Bases with Cardinality Constraints on the Intersection},
  year    = {2021},
  oatype  = {Hybrid},
  doi     = {10.1007/s10107-021-01642-1},
  groups  = {Project07 (Klinz), Student, External},
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