K-independent percolation on trees (bibtex)
by Pierre Mathieu and Christoph Temmel
Pierre Mathieu and Christoph Temmel, K-independent percolation on trees, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 122(3), 1129-1153, (2012).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv    = {1103.1291},
  author   = {Pierre Mathieu and Christoph Temmel},
  journal  = {Stochastic Processes and their Applications},
  title    = {K-independent percolation on trees},
  year     = {2012},
  number   = {3},
  pages    = {1129-1153},
  volume   = {122},
  doi      = {10.1016/j.spa.2011.10.014},
  groups   = {Project01 (Woess), Student, External},
  xxmrnumber = {2891450},
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