Stirling numbers and Gregory coefficients for the factorization of Hermite subdivision operators (bibtex)
by Caroline Moosmüller, Svenja Hüning and Costanza Conti
Caroline Moosmüller, Svenja Hüning and Costanza Conti, Stirling numbers and Gregory coefficients for the factorization of Hermite subdivision operators, IMA J. Num. Analysis, 41, 2936–2961, (2021).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv   = {1804.06200},
  author  = {Caroline Moosm{\"u}ller and Svenja H{\"u}ning and Costanza Conti},
  journal = {IMA J. Num. Analysis},
  title   = {{S}tirling numbers and {G}regory coefficients for the factorization of {H}ermite subdivision operators},
  year    = {2021},
  pages   = {2936--2961},
  volume  = {41},
  doi     = {10.1093/imanum/draa047},
  groups  = {Project10 (Wallner), MultipleStudents, Student, External},
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