Recurrence of 2-dimensional queueing processes, and random walk exit times from the quadrant (bibtex)
by Marc Peigné and Wolfgang Woess
Marc Peigné and Wolfgang Woess, Recurrence of 2-dimensional queueing processes, and random walk exit times from the quadrant, Annals of Applied Probability, 31(6), 2519–2537, (2021).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv   = {1909.00616},
  author  = {Peign{\'e}, Marc and Woess, Wolfgang},
  journal = {Annals of Applied Probability},
  title   = {Recurrence of 2-dimensional queueing processes, and random walk exit times from the quadrant},
  year    = {2021},
  number  = {6},
  pages   = {2519--2537},
  volume  = {31},
  doi     = {10.1214/20-AAP1654},
  groups  = {Project01 (Woess), Faculty, External},
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