Greedy trees, caterpillars, and Wiener-type graph invariants (bibtex)
by Nina S. Schmuck, Stephan G. Wagner and Hua Wang
Nina S. Schmuck, Stephan G. Wagner and Hua Wang, Greedy trees, caterpillars, and Wiener-type graph invariants, Chapter in Distance in Molecular Graphs — Theory (Ivan Gutman, Boris Furtula, eds.), University of Kragujevac and Faculty of Science Kragujevac, 12, 195-214, (2012).
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Nina S. Schmuck and Stephan G. Wagner and Hua Wang},
  booktitle = {Distance in {M}olecular {G}raphs --- {T}heory},
  publisher = {University of Kragujevac and Faculty of Science Kragujevac},
  title     = {Greedy trees, caterpillars, and {W}iener-type graph invariants},
  year      = {2012},
  editor    = {Gutman, Ivan and Furtula, Boris},
  pages     = {195-214},
  series    = {Mathematical Chemistry Monographs},
  volume    = {12},
  groups    = {Project05 (Heuberger), Student, External, noacks},
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