Asymptotic triangulations and Coxeter transformations of the annulus (bibtex)
by Hannah Vogel, Anna Felikson and Pavel Tumarkin
Hannah Vogel, Anna Felikson and Pavel Tumarkin, Asymptotic triangulations and Coxeter transformations of the annulus, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 60(1), 63–96, (2018).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv     = {1508.00485},
  author    = {Vogel, Hannah and Anna Felikson and Pavel Tumarkin},
  journal   = {Glasgow Mathematical Journal},
  title     = {Asymptotic triangulations and {C}oxeter transformations of the annulus},
  year      = {2018},
  issn      = {0017-0895},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {63--96},
  volume    = {60},
  doi       = {10.1017/S0017089516000574},
  fjournal  = {Glasgow Mathematical Journal},
  groups    = {Project12 (Baur), Student, External, important},
  mrnumber  = {3733831},
  xxmrclass = {16G20 (13F60 20F55 57Q15)},
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