The relation between quenched and annealed Lyapunov exponents in random potential on trees (bibtex)
by Gundelinde Maria Wiegel
Gundelinde Maria Wiegel, The relation between quenched and annealed Lyapunov exponents in random potential on trees, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 128(6), 1988-2006, (2018).
Bibtex Entry:
  arxiv   = {1612.03043},
  author  = {Wiegel, Gundelinde Maria},
  journal = {Stochastic Processes and their Applications},
  title   = {The relation between quenched and annealed {L}yapunov exponents in random potential on trees},
  year    = {2018},
  number  = {6},
  pages   = {1988-2006},
  volume  = {128},
  doi     = {10.1016/},
  groups  = {Project01 (Woess), Student},
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