DAPTLIB: Rostislav Staněk and I have set up a library of test instances for the data
arrangement problem on trees DAPT.
The quadratic assignment problem: Theory and algorithms,
For most of the papers click on the title to
obtain a (compressed) postscript or a pdf file of a first complete version (technical-report)
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Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
with R.E. Burkard,
European Journal of Operational
Research 83, 1995, 283-300.
with R.E.Burkard and G.J.
European Journal of Operational
Research 87, 1995, 670-684.
with R.E. Burkard, G.J.
Woeginger, and Q.F. Yang,
Discrete Mathematics
176, 1997, 233-254.
with R.E. Burkard, G. Rote,
and G.J. Woeginger,
Mathematical Programming (Series B), 82,
1998, 125-158.
with R.E. Burkard, V. M.
Demidenko, N.N. Metelski, and G.J. Woeginger,
Optimization 44, 1998,
with G. Alotto, B. Brandstätter, G. Fürntratt, Ch. Magele, G. Molinari, M. Nervi, K. Preis, M. Repetto und K. Richter,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 34, 1998,
with S.E. Karisch, J. Clausen,
and T. Espersen,
Computing 63, 1999,
with R.E. Burkard and H.
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
105, 2000, 51-71.
with H. Albrecher and R.E. Burkard,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
186(1), 2006, 148-162.
with B. Klinz and Ch. Meyer,
Journal of Combinatorial Optiomization,
12(3), 2006, 187-215.
with N.S. Schmuck, S. Wimer and G.J. Woeginger,
Discrete Optimization 8(3), 2011, 411-416.
with V. Deineko und G.J. Woeginger,
Operations Research Letters 40, 2012, 356-359.
with V. Deineko und G.J. Woeginger,
European Journal of Operational Research 223,
2012, 333-345.
with V. Deineko und G.J. Woeginger, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 31 (3), 2016, 1269-1279.
with R. Staněk ,
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 30(3), 2015, 768-802.
with V. Deineko und G.J. Woeginger,
Discrete Applied Mathematics 186, 2015, 56-65.
SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-0904, 2016, doi:10.4271/2016-01-0904.
with V. Deineko und G.J. Woeginger,
Annals of Operations Research 259, 2017, 21-34.
DOI 10.1007/s10479-017-2513-4.
with V. Deineko und G.J. Woeginger,
European Journal of Operational Research 267(3),
2018, 818-834.
with S. Hafner, R. Mestel und U. Pferschy,
Journal of Banking and Finance 122, 2021, Article Number 106022.
with Nikolaus Furian, Michael O'Sullivan, Cameron Walker,
OR Spectrum , 43(3), 2021, 693-732,
with E. Gaar,
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 26(4), 2022, 519--552.
with E. Gaar,
Discrete Applied Mathematics 331, 2023, 88--103.
with V. Deineko and G.J. Woeginger,
Operations Research Letters 51, 2023, 494-500,
with V.G. Deineko and G.J. Woeginger,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 354, 2024, 3--14.
arXiv, DOI
with C. Mathwieser,
Netwworks 2024, DOI,
with B. Klinz, S. Lendl and L.Wulf,
Mathematical Programming 2024, DOI , arXiv.
with S. Hafner, R. Mestel and U. Pferschy,
to appear in Annals of Operations Research, arXiv.
with R.E. Burkard and B.
in Quadratic Assignment
and Related Problems,
Proceedings of the DIMACS
Workshop on Quadratic Assignment Problems,
P. Pardalos and H. Wolkowitz,
DIMACS Series in Discrete
Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 16, 1994, 117-146.
with R.E. Burkard and T.
in Network Optimization,
P.M. Pardalos, D.W. Hearn, and W.W. Hager, eds.,
Lecture Notes in Economics
and Mathematical Systems 450, 1997, 127-156.
with R.E. Burkard,
in Annotated Bibliographies
in Combinatorial Optimization,
M. Dell'Amico, F. Maffioli
and S.Martello, eds.,
Wiley, Chichester, 1997, pp. 373-392.
with R.E. Burkard, P.M.
Pardalos, and L.S. Pitsoulis,
Handbook of Combinatorial
Optimization, P.M. Pardalos and D.-Z. Du, eds.,
Kluwer Academic Publishers,1998,
pp. 241-338.
with R.E. Burkard,
Handbook of Combinatorial
Optimization - Supplement Volume A,
P.M. Pardalos and D.-Z.
Du, eds.,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, pp. 75-149.
Handbook of Applied
Optimization, Part II - Applications,
P.M. Pardalos and M. Resende, eds.,
Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 661-678.
with V. Deineko und G.J. Woeginger,
in Combinatorial Optimization and Applications,
Z. Lu et al., eds.,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA'2015),
LNCS 9486, 2015, Springer, pp. 709-720.
with Bettina Klinz, Stefan Lendl, James Orlin, Gerhard J. Woeginger and Lasse Wulf,
in Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: WG 2021, L. Kowalik, M. Pilipczuk and P. Rzazewski, (Hrsg.),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12911, 2021, 245-256.
with A.P.Punnen,
in The Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization Problem: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications,
A.P.Punnen ed.,
2022, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 57-95.
with Bettina Klinz, Stefan Lendl, Gerhard J. Woeginger and Lasse Wulf,
in Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 24th International Conference, IPCO 2023 , A. Del Pia and V. Kaibel, (Hrsg.),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13904, 2023, 466-479.
Complexity comparison and analysis
of recent algorithms for network flows (1992), in Albanian.
Quadratic Assignment Problem: Special Cases and Relatives (1995).
NP-hard location problems: efficiently
solvable special cases and lower bounds (2001).
Last Update: Januar 2025