
The survey paper Von Lücken zwischen Primzahlen zur Optimierung von Gitterpunkten contains some URL links. For convenience they can be linked from here. They were correctly working at the time of writing this survey. In case you find them outdated please inform me.
The publisher urged me to use a word pocessing programme that is obviously not suitable for typing mathematics. Fortunately, the picture in the original printed version looks better than the one in the pdf file.
Fußnote 1 Information on Plimpton 322
Fußnote 5 Information on the Agarwal-Kayal-Saxena-algorithm.
Fußnote 6 aktualisierter Link Faber and Faber offered a Million dollar. Strict rules (Link expired)
An article form the Times The original Timelink does not work any longer
Fußnote 7 The Clay institute
Beschreibung der 7 Probleme
Last modified: May 07 2003