I am a number theorist at TU Graz. My research interests lie in arithmetic geometry and analytic as well as algebraic number theory.
Journal articles
All of my papers are available on arXiv.org.
- Linear constellations in primes with arithmetic restrictions, with M. Tinková, appendix with J. König and M. Tinková
(arXiv) - Distribution of genus numbers of abelian number fields, with D. Loughran and R. Newton, J. London Math. Soc. 107 (6): 2197-2217, 2023
(arXiv, doi) - Constructing abelian extensions with prescribed norms, with R. Richard, Math. Comp. 91 (2022): 381-399
(arXiv, doi) - Arithmetic progressions in binary quadratic forms and norm forms, with C. Elsholtz, Bull. London Math. Soc. 51 (4): 595-602, 2019
(arXiv, doi) - Number fields with prescribed norms, with D. Loughran and R. Newton, with an appendix by Y. Harpaz and O. Wittenberg, Comment. Math. Helv. 97 (1): 133-181, 2022
(arXiv, doi) - Averages and higher moments for the ℓ-torsion in class groups, with M. Widmer, Math. Ann., 379(3): 1205-1229, 2021
(arXiv, doi) - Vinogradov's three primes theorem with primes having given primitive roots, with P. Koymans and E. Sofos, Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc., 170(1): 75-110, 2021
(arXiv, doi) - Average bounds for the ℓ-torsion in class groups of cyclic extensions, with M. Widmer, Res. Number Theory (2018) 4:34
(arXiv, doi) - Rational points and non-anticanonical height functions, with D. Loughran, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019): 3209-3223
(arXiv, doi) - Rational points of bounded height on general conic bundle surfaces, with D. Loughran and E. Sofos, Proc. London Math. Soc. 117 (2): 407-440, 2018
(arXiv, doi) - Generalised divisor sums of binary forms over number fields, with E. Sofos, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 19 (1): 137-173, 2020
(arXiv, doi) - The Hasse norm principle for abelian extensions, with D. Loughran and R. Newton, Amer. J. Math 140 (6): 1639-1685, 2018
(arXiv, doi, corrigendum) - Forms of differing degrees over number fields, with M. Madritsch, Mathematika 63 (1): 92-123, 2017
(arXiv, doi) - Counting rational points on smooth cubic
surfaces, with E. Sofos, Math. Res. Lett. 23 (1): 127-143, 2016
(arXiv, doi) - O-minimality on twisted universal torsors and Manin's conjecture over number fields, with M. Pieropan, Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. 49 (4): 757-811, 2016
(arXiv, doi) - On Manin's conjecture for a certain singular cubic surface over imaginary quadratic fields, with U. Derenthal, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2015 (10): 2728-2750, 2015
(arXiv, doi) - On sums of S-integers of bounded norm, with R. F. Tichy and V. Ziegler, Monatsh. Math. 175 (2): 241-247, 2014
(arXiv, doi) - Counting imaginary quadratic points via universal torsors, II, with U. Derenthal, Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 156 (3): 383-407, 2014
(arXiv, doi) - Counting imaginary quadratic points via universal torsors, with U. Derenthal, Compositio Math. 150 (10): 1631-1678, 2014
(arXiv, doi) - Schanuel's theorem for heights defined via extension fields, with M. Widmer, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci., Vol. XV (2016): 355-398, 2016
(arXiv, doi) - Counting rational points over number fields on a singular cubic surface, Algebra Number Theory 7 (6): 1451-1479, 2013
(arXiv, doi) - Additive unit representations in rings over global fields - A survey, with F. Barroero and R. F. Tichy, Publ. Math. Debrecen 79 (3-4): 291-307, 2011
(arXiv) - On rings of integers generated by their units, Bull. London Math. Soc. 44: 167-182, 2012
(arXiv, doi) - Sums of units in function fields II - The extension problem, Acta Arith. 149 (4): 361-369, 2011
(arXiv, doi) - Sums of units in function fields, Monatsh. Math. 164 (1): 39-54, 2011
(arXiv, doi) - Non-unique factorization of polynomials over residue class rings of the integers, with S. Frisch, Comm. Algebra, 39 (4): 1482-1490, 2011
(arXiv, doi)
Conference proceedings
- Some applications of o-minimality in quantitative arithmetic geometry, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Report No. 22/2017
- Divisor sums and rational points on conic bundle surfaces, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Report No. 53/2016