Point sets of minimal energy (bibtex)
by Peter J. Grabner
Peter J. Grabner, Point sets of minimal energy, Chapter in Applied algebra and number theory (Gerhard Larcher, others, eds.), Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 109-125, (2014).
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Peter J. Grabner},
  booktitle = {Applied algebra and number theory},
  publisher = {Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge},
  title     = {Point sets of minimal energy},
  year      = {2014},
  oatype    = {Other},
  editor    = {Gerhard Larcher and others},
  pages     = {109-125},
  groups    = {Project04 (Grabner), Faculty},
  url       = {http://www.math.tugraz.at/~grabner/Publications/Niederreiter70.pdf},
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