w ArithRand - Arithmetic Randomness


Arithmetic Randomness



The aim of the Austrian-French joint project ArithRand ("Arithmetic Randomness", 2021-2025) is to make progress on various questions that interrelate and link the notion of randomness (or pseudo-randomness) with the notion of determinism in the context of analytic number theory, combinatorics on words, automata theory, quasi-random sequences and nearby disciplines. It is financially supported by the FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, I 4945-N) and the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR-20-CE91-0006).

Research topics

Many numbertheoretic sequences are per se deterministic but resemble much of the overall behaviour of a random sequence. One important example is the Möbius function. In this context we are interested in studying the independence between the Möbius function and various deterministic functions such as functions that are produced by a dynamical system of zero entropy or by a simple algorithm based on the binary digital representation. Informally, the difficulty of this independence problem reflects the difficulty of the transition from the digital representation of an integer to its multiplicative representation as a product of prime factors. This field of questions is the source of many important open problems in mathematics and computer science. In particular, we mention the construction of normal numbers, the analysis of pseudo-random and complexity measures, and the search for optimal discrepancy estimates for digitally based sequences or other quasi-random sequences which are some of the major lines of research in this joint project.


The Austrian-French Consortium consists of 16 researchers and is based in Graz, Vienna, Bordeaux, Calais, Marseille, Nancy and St Etienne.

Postdoctoral researchers:

Doctoral students:

  • Vincent Gozé (Calais-Littoral)


  • Workshop ArithRand 22 Workshp ArithRand 22
  • Partial funding of Workshp Aaa7 Graz 2024
  • Talks by visitors (or online)
    Arithrand-related talks at Ernest seminar (Luminy, Marseille, FR)
  • 2021-12-07: Joni Teräväinen, On a hybrid of the Hardy-Littlewood and Chowla conjectures
  • 2021-06-08: Gregory Debruyne, Malliavin-type remainders for Beurling generalized prime number systems
  • 2021-05-11: Johann Verwee, Théorèmes d'Erdős-Wintner effectifs
  • 2021-04-13: Pierre-Adrien Tahay, Corrélations discrètes d’ordre 2 de suites généralisées de Rudin-Shapiro par une approche combinatoire
  • 2020-12-08: Youness Lamzouri, La répartition du maximum des sommes partielles de sommes d'exponentielles

    Seminars with links to ArithRand ("Metz-Nancy Number Theory Seminar" at IECL, Nancy)
  • 9/12/2021, Journée Scientifique FCH "Pseudorandomness, cryptography and number theory" (IECL/LORIA)
  • 2/12/2021 Benli Kübra (IECL), Changes in digits of primes
  • 18/11/2021 Sébastien Darses (Aix-Marseille Université), On probabilistic generalizations of the Nyman-Beurling criterion for the Zeta function
  • 21/10/2021 Manfred Madritsch (IECL), Construction d'un nombre normal tel que son inverse soit également normal
  • 30/09/2021 Yann Bugeaud, Approximation rationnelle des nombres sturmiens
  • 20/05/2021 (online) Kübra Benli, Small prime power residues modulo p
  • 15/04/2021 (online) Gérald Tenenbaum (IECL), Répartition des fonctions multiplicatives dans les progressions arithmétiques de grands modules et applications
  • 08/04/2021, (online) Paul Pollack (University of Georgia), Multiplicative orders mod p
  • 01/04/2021 (online) Sarah Peluse (IAS/Princeton), Modular zeros in the character table of the symmetric group
  • 11/03/2021 (online) Alessandro Languasco, On computing L'/L(1,chi) and related problems
  • 18/02/2021 (online) Brad Rodgers, The distribution of random polynomials with multiplicative coefficients
  • 07/01/2021 (online) Marc Munsch, Comportement aléatoire local des suites réelles: résultats métriques, énergie additive et inégalités diophantiennes
  • 10/12/2020 (online) Johann Verwee, Théorèmes d'Erdös-Wintner effectifs
  • 19/11/2020 (online) Amri Myriam, Sur la répartition jointe de la représentation d'Ostrowski dans les classes de résidus
  • 12/11/2020 (online) Jakub Konieczny, Automatic multiplicative sequences
  • 15/10/2020 Shuo Li, On the classification of completely multiplicative automatic sequences

    Talks at the Ernest seminar in Marseille :
  • 2022-12-01,  Jared D. Lichtman,  "A proof of the Erdős primitive set conjecture"
  • 2022-10-18, Michael Drmota,  "Primes as sums of Fibonacci numbers" >li>2022-10-04, Olivier Ramaré, "A Stronger Model for Peg Solitaire"
  • 2022-06-14, Cécile Dartyge, "Valeurs polynomiales quartiques avec un grand facteur premier : les cas diédraux et cycliques"
  • 2022-05-10, Andreas Weingartner, "A general sieve problem"
  • 2022-04-05, Nicole Raulf, "Sur le comportement d'un produit de fonctions L"
  • 2022-03-01, Kübra Benli, "Small prime 𝑘-th power residues modulo 𝑝"
  • 2022-02-01, Corentin Darreye, "Oscillations dans la suite des coefficients d'une forme modulaire"
  • 2022-01-18, Jakub Konieczny, "Finitely-valued generalised polynomials"
  • 2023-11-07, Cathy Swaenepoel, Nombres premiers réversibles
  • 2023-09-19, Marco Aymone, Convolution of periodic multiplicative functions and the divisor problem
  • 2023-06-20, Jungwon Lee, Dynamics of Ostrowski skew-product: Limit laws and Hausdorff dimensions
  • 2023-06-13, Régis de la Bretèche, Sommes friables de fonctions arithmétiques
  • 2023-06-06, Thomas Stoll, Complexité d'ordre maximal des suites automatiques et morphiques
  • 2023-04-18, Gopal Maiti, Extreme values of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions over function fields
  • 2023-04-11, Marco Aymone, Multiplicative functions with small partial sums
  • 2023-03-21, Rachid Caich,  Majorations presque sûres de sommes de fonctions multiplicatives aléatoires
  • Reading seminar at IECL Nancy, Primes as sums of Fibonacci numbers (Fall 2021-Spring 2022)
  • ---Seminars related to ArithRand on Nancy
  • Questions d'équirépartition de sommes exponentielles indexées par un sous-groupe, 27 janvier 2022, Théo Untrau (IMB, Bordeaux)
  • Ensembles de formes linéaires de complexité maximale, 3 février 2022, Michel Waldschmidt (Sorbonne Université)
  • 2022-03-03, Fernando Xuancheng Shao (University of Kentucky), Gowers uniformity of thin subsets of primes
  • 2022-04-07, Cécile Dartyge (IECL), Valeurs polynomiales quartiques avec un grand facteur premier : les cas diédraux et cycliques
  • 2022-04-28, Jonathan Bober (Université de Bristol), The distribution of character sums
  • 2022-05-05, Andreas Weingartner (Southern Utah University, États-Unis), A general sieve problem
  • 2022-05-12, Lola Thompson (Université de Utrecht), Summing mu(n): an even faster elementary algorithm
  • 2022-06-22, Frederik Broucke (Ghent University), Well-behaved Beurling number systems
  • 2022-06-22, Gregory Debruyne (Ghent University), Optimality for Tauberian theorems
  • 2022-06-23, Shalom Eliahou (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale), Quelques problèmes ouverts sur des familles de suites binaires
  • 2022-06-23, Igor Shparlinski (University of New South Wales), Sums of Kloosterman sums with multiplicative coefficients
  • 2022-11-10, Olivier Robert (Université JeanMonnet, Saint Étienne; Institut Camille Jordan), Points rationnels sur une intersection de formes diagonales
  • 2022-12-01, Paul Péringuey (IECL), Une généralisation de la conjecture d'Artin parmi les presque premiers
  • 2022-12-08, Pierre Popoli (IECL), Suites automatiques et morphiques de grande complexité le long des sous-suites
  • 2022-12-15, Emilie Charlier (université de Liège), Non-canonical Bertrand numeration systems
  • 2023-03-09, Rachid Caich (université de Paris, IMJ), Majorations presque sûres de sommes de fonctions multiplicatives aléatoires
  • 2023-03-16, Cathy Swaenepoel (université de Paris, IMJ), Nombres premiers et carrés avec des chiffres préassignés
  • 2023-06-15, Jacques Benatar (université de Helsinki), Polynômes à coefficients multiplicatifs
  • 2023-06-22, Jared Lichtman (University of Oxford), A proof of the Erdős primitive set conjecture
  • 2023-11-23, Julia Stadlmann (Université d'Oxford), Primes in arithmetic progressions to smooth moduli
  • 2023-12-21, Cathy Swaenepoel (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu), Nombres premiers réversibles

Guests (selection)

  • to come

For your upcoming or to be published papers, please include : "This paper was supported by the joint FWF-ANR project Arithrand: FWF: I 4945-N and ANR-20-CE91-0006."

Publications-Preprints - in preparation (explicitely mentioning ArithRand)

  • C. Aistleitner, B. Borda: Quantum invariants of hyperbolic knots and extreme values of trigonometric products.  Math. Z. 302 (2022), no. 2, 759–782.
  • C. Aistleitner, D. El-Baz, M. Munsch: A pair correlation problem, and counting lattice points with the zeta function. GAFA 31 (2021), no. 3, 483--512
  • C. Aistleitner, S. Baker, N. Technau, N. Yesha: Gap statistics and higher correlations for geometric progressions modulo one.  Math. Ann. 385 (2023), no. 1-2, 845–861. arxiv:2010.10355
  • C. Aistleitner, N. Gantert, Z. Kabluchko, J. Prochno, K. Ramanan: Large Deviation Principles for Lacunary Sums. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376 (2023), no. 1, 507–553. Preprint, arxiv:2012.05281
  • C. Aistleitner, B. Borda: Maximizing Sudler products via Ostrowski expansions and cotangent sums. Algebra Number Theory 17 (2023), no. 3, 667–717. arXiv:2104.01379
  • C. Aistleitner, D. El-Baz, M. Munsch: Difference sets and the metric theory of small gaps. Preprint, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2023, no. 5, 3848–3884. arXiv:2108.02227
  • C. Aistleitner, B. Borda: A conjecture of Zagier and the value distribution of quantum modular forms. JEMS, to appear, arXiv:2110.07407
  • Aloui, K.; Jamet, D., Kaneko, H., Kopecki, S., Popoli, P; Stoll, T. On the binary digits of n and n^2, (2022), Theoretical Computer Science 939 (2022), 119--139. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05451, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2022.10.018
  • Aymone, M; Maiti, G.; Ramaré, O.; Srivastav, P. On the Convolution of Periodic Multiplicative functions, 2023; (Submitted); https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.06260 
  • M. Balazard, B. Martin, Démonstration d’une conjecture de Kruyswijk et Meijer sur le plus petit dénominateur des nombres rationnels d’un intervalle, to appear in Bull. Sci. Math. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bulsci.2023.103305, arXiv:2303.01303v1, hal-04010689
  • G. Barat, B. Martin, C. Mauduit, J. Rivat, Fonctions additives en base de Cantor le long des nombres premiers, preprint.
  • V. Becher, A. Marchionna, G. Tenenbaum, On simply normal numbers with digit dependencies, Mathematika 69, no. 4 (2023), 988-991.
  • K. Benli, G. Cesana, C. Dartyge, C. Dombrowsky, L. Thompson, Sum of proper divisors with missing digits,  to appear in WiNE-4 Proceedings, preprint available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12859
  • K. Benli,  E. Elma, N. Ng, A discrete mean value of the Riemann zeta function, submitted, preprint available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.13554 [arxiv.org] 
  • Benli, K.; Stoll, T. Subword complexity of the Fibonacci-Thue-Morse sequence along polynomials, in preparation.
  • Bettin, S.; Drappeau, S. Two arithmetic applications of perturbations of composition operators. J. Anal. Math. 144 (2021), 335--349. DOI: 10.1007/s11854-021-0184-1. arXiv:2002.11417. hal-02493843v1.
  • Bettin, S.; Drappeau, S. Effective estimation of some oscillatory integrals related to infinitely divisible distributions. Ramanujan J. 57 (2022) 849--861. DOI: 10.1007/s11139-020-00362-y. arXiv: 2010.15494. HAL:hal-02998544v1.
  • Bettin, S.; Drappeau, S. Modularity and value distribution of quantum invariants of hyperbolic knots. Math. Ann. 382 (2022) no. 3-4, 1631--1679. DOI: 10.1007/s00208-021-02288-2. arXiv:1905.02045. HAL: hal-02998581v1.
  • Bettin, S.; Drappeau, S. Limit laws for rational continued fractions and value distribution of quantum modular forms. Proc. London Math. Soc. 125 (2022), no 6, 1377--1425. DOI: 10.1112/plms.12485. arXiv:1903.00457. HAL: hal-02998562v1.
  • Bettin, S.; Drappeau, S. On quantum modular forms of non-zero weights, submitted. arXiv:2210.07854.
  • Bienvenu, P.-Y. and Geroldinger, A., On algebraic properties of power monoids of numerical monoids, Isr. J. Math., to appear.
  • Bienvenu, P.-Y, Metric decomposability theorems on sets of integers, Bull. London Math Soc., https://doi.org/10.1112/blms.12886
  • S. Boyer, O. Robert,  Rational points on an intersection of diagonal forms, Acta Arith. 203 (2022), no. 2, 165-194
  • La Bretèche, R.; Dress, F.; Tenenbaum, G., Remarques sur une somme liée à la fonction de Möbius, Mathematika 66, no. 2 (2020), 416--421.
  • La Bretèche, R.; Munsch, M.; Tenenbaum, G., Small Gál sums and applications, J. London Math. Soc. 103}(2021), 336--352.
  • La Bretèche, R. Tenenbaum, G., Remarks on the Selberg--Delange method, Acta Arith. 200.4 (2021), 349-369.
  • La Bretèche, R. Tenenbaum, G., On strong and almost sure local limit theorems for a probabilistic model of the Dickman distribution, Lith. Math. J. 61, n°3 (2021), 301-311.
  • R. de la Bretèche, G. Tenenbaum, On the gap distribution of prime factors, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 151, \no. 8 (2023), 3245–3251.
  • R. de la Bretèche, G. Tenenbaum, Friable averages of oscillating multiplicative functions, in: H.~Maier, J. Steuding, R. Steuding (eds.), Number Theory in memory of Eduard Wirsing, 43-79, Springer, 2023.
  •   R. de la Bretèche, G. Tenenbaum, Two upper bounds for the Erd\H os--Hooley Delta-function, Sci. China Math. 66, no. 12 (2023), 2683–2692.
  • R. de la Bretèche, G. Tenenbaum, Note on a conjecture of Hildebrand regarding friable integers, Acta Arith. 208 (2023), 279-283.
  • R. de la Bretèche, G. Tenenbaum, Friable averages of complex arithmetic functions, prépublication.
  • J. Brüdern, O. Robert, On the sum of two powered numbers, to appear in  Acta Arithmetica
  • F. Chamizo, B. Martin, The convergence of certain Diophantine series, J. Number Theory, 229 (2021), 179-198. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnt.2021.04.022 hal-04154176v1
  • F. Chamizo, B. Martin, The approximate functional equation of some Diophantine series, Monatsh. Math., 202 (2023), 41-52. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00605-023-01859-6 hal-04154260v1
  • Chamizo, F ; Martin, B. The approximate functional equation of some Diophantine series,  submitted.
  • B. Cook, K. Hughes, Z. Kun Li, A. Mudgal, O. Robert, P-L Yung - A decoupling interpretation of an old argument for Vinogradov's Mean Value Theorem, to appear in Mathematika
  • Darbar, P.; Maiti, G. Large values of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions over monic irreducible polynomial in $\mathbb{F}_q [t]$; To be appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2023; https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.10419
  • Dartyge, C; Feutrie, D.;  Tenenbaum, G., Entiers ultrafriables en progressions arithmétiques, Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 73 (2022), 149-74.
  • Dartyge, C.; Maynard, J.; On the largest prime factor of quartic polynomial values: the cyclic and dihedral case, arXiv:2212.03381.
  • C. Dartyge, B. Martin, J. Rivat, I. Shparlinski, C. Swaenepoel, Reversible primes, preprint. arXiv:2309.11380v1
  • Ddamulira, M., Luca, F. & Tichy, R., On the Shorey–Tijdeman Diophantine equation involving terms of Lucas sequences; Indagationes Mathematicae. 33, 2, (2022), p. 314--321.
  • Debruyne, G.; Tenenbaum, G., The saddle point method for general partitions, Indag. Math. 31 (2020), 728-738.
  • Jean-Marc Deshouillers, Michael Drmota, Clemens Müllner, Andrei Shubin, Lukas Spiegelhofer; Synchronizing automatic sequences along Piatetski-Shapiro sequences; Israel J. Math., to appear, arXiv:2211.01422
  • Jean-Marc Deshouillers, Michael Drmota, Clemens Müllner; Coprimality of consecutive elements in a Piatetski-Shapiro sequence; in: Number Theory in Memory of Eduard Wirsing, Springer, to appear.
  • Drappeau, S.; Hanna, G. The Thue–Morse and Rudin–Shapiro sequences at primes in principal number fields. Acta Math. Hung. 162 (2020), 130--186. Zbl 1398.11121; MR4169024. DOI: 10.1007/s10474-020-01030-9. arXiv:2001.07017. HAL:hal-02493862v1.
  • Drappeau, S.; Fiorilli, D. The first moment of primes in arithmetic progressions: beyond the Siegel-Walfisz range. Trans. London Math. Soc. 8 (2021), no 1, 174--185. DOI: 10.1112/tlm3.12030. arXiv: 2003.02201. HAL:hal-02567736v1.
  • Drappeau, S.; Pratt, K.; Radziwiłł, M. One-level density estimates for Dirichlet L-functions with extended support. Algebra Number Theory, 17 (2023), no. 4, 805--830. arXiv:2002.11968. HAL: hal-02493847v1.
  • Acharya, R.; Drappeau, S.; Ganguly, S.; Ramaré, O., A modular analogue of a problem of Vinogradov. Ramanujan J., 62 (2023), no. 2, 365--382. hal-04052941, arXiv:2208.14786, DOI:https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11139-022-00688-9
  • Drappeau, S.; Nordentoft, A., Central values of additive twists of Maaß forms L-functions. submitted, arXiv:2208.14346, hal-04052946.
  • M. Drmota, M. Lemańczyk, C. Müllner, J. Rivat; Some recent developments on the Sarnak conjecture, in: "Panoramas et Syntheses", Soc. Math. de France, to appear.
  • Michael Drmota, Christian Mauduit, Joël Rivat, Lukas Spiegelhofer: Möbius orthogonality of sequences with maximal entropy. Journal d'Analyse Mathématique 146 (2022), 531--548; arxiv:2001.07898
  • Michael Drmota, Clemens Müllner, Lukas Spiegelhofer; Primes as sums of Fibonacci numbers; Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, to appear; arXiv:2109.04068
  • Elsholtz, C.; Planitzer, S., Sums of four and more unit fractions and approximate parametrizations. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 53 (2021), no. 3, 695--709.
  • Elsholtz, C. Fermat's last theorem implies Euclid's infinitude of primes. Amer. Math. Monthly 128 (2021), no. 3, 250--257.
  • Elsholtz, C.; Klahn, B.; Technau, M.; On polynomials with roots modulo almost all primes Acta Arithmetica 205 (2022), 251-263. DOI: 10.4064/aa220407-9-7
  • Rainer Dietmann, Christian Elsholtz, Alexander Kalmynin, Sergei Konyagin, James Maynard, Longer gaps between values of binary quadratic forms, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2023, no. 12, 10313–10349. https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnac130
  • Elsholtz, C.; Lipnik, G.; Exponentially Larger Affine and Projective Caps, Mathematika 69 (2023), no. 1, 232–249. https://doi.org/10.1112/mtk.12173
  • Elsholtz, C.; Klahn, B.; Lipnik, G.; Large subsets of (Z_m)^n without arithmetic progressions, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 91 (2023), no. 4, 1443–1452. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-022-01145-w
  • Elsholtz, C.; Heuberger, C; Krenn, D. Algorithmic counting of nonequivalent compact Huffman codes, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00200-022-00593-0
  • Fouvry, É.; Tenenbaum, G., Multiplicative functions in large arithmetic progressions and applications, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 75, no. 1 (2022), 245-299.
  • S. Heintze, R. Tichy, I. Vukusic, V. Ziegler. On the Diophantine equation $U_n-b^m=c$, Mathematics of Computation 92, 344 (2003), 2825-2859.
  • Jamet, D.; Popoli, P.; Stoll, T. Maximum order complexity of the sum of digits function in Zeckendorf base and polynomial subsequences. Cryptography and Communications 13 (2021),  791--814. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12095-021-00507-w, https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.09959
  • Kaneko, H.; Stoll T. Products of integers with few nonzero digits. Uniform Distribution Theory Unif. Distrib. Theory 17 (2022), no. 1, 11--28, https://doi.org/10.2478/udt-2022-0006, http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03077
  • Klahn, B., Technau, M. Galois groups of n0 + n1 X + … + n6 X^6 Int. J. Number Theory, 2023, 19, 2443-2450.
  • Jakub Konieczny; Clemens Müllner. Arithmetical subword complexity of automatic sequences. submitted. arXiv: 2309.03180
  • Jakub Konieczny; Clemens Müllner. Bracket words along Hardy field sequences. to appear in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. arXiv: 2302.09626
  • Elżbieta Krawczyk, Clemens Müllner, Automaticity of uniformly recurrent substitutive sequences, https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13134
  • Dijana Kreso, Joel Rivat, Robert Tichy (editors). Diophantine Problems: Determinism, Randomness and Applications
  • G.F. Lipnik; M. Madritsch; R. Tichy, A Central Limit Theorem for Integer Partitions into Small Powers, Monatshefte Math., to appear.
  • Marcovici, I.; Tahay, P.-A.; Stoll, T. Discrete correlations of order 2 of generalised Golay-Shapiro sequences: a combinatorial approach. Integers 21 (2021), A45, 21pp. http://math.colgate.edu/~integers/vol21.html, https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.13162
  • B. Martin, G. Tenenbaum, J. Wetzer, On the friable mean-value of the Erdős-Hooley Delta function, preprint. arXiv:2307.05530
  • J. Di Mauro, G. Millerioux, M. Minier, T. Stoll : Provable randomness over lightweight permutations, submitted
  • Paolo Minelli, Athanasios Sourmelidis & Marc Technau, Bias in the number of steps in the Euclidean algorithm and a conjecture of Ito on Dedekind sums, Math. Ann. 2023, 387, 291-320. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-022-02452-2
  • Minelli, P.; Sourmelidis, A., Technau, M. On restricted averages of Dedekind sums Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN.
  • M. Radziwiłł, A. Shubin, "Poissonian pair correlation for \alpha n^{\theta}  mod 1", IMRN, to appear https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnad289, https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.04621
  • O. Ramare, Notes on restriction theory in the primes, arXiv:2109.10180
  • A. Shubin, Möbius orthogonality of Thue-Morse sequence along Piatetski-Shapiro numbers, Studia Math. 273 (2023), no. 3, 201-238, https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.11840
  • Spiegelhofer, L., Gaps in the Thue--Morse word. J. Aust. Math. Soc. 114, no. 1 (2023), 110-144, https://www.doi.org/10.1017/S1446788721000380, arXiv:2102.01018v2
  • Spiegelhofer, L., Collisions of digit sums in bases 2 and 3. Israel J. Math., to appear. arXiv:2105.11173v2
  • Spiegelhofer, L., Thue--Morse along the sequence of cubes, https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.09498
  • Bartosz Sobolewski and Lukas Spiegelhofer, Block occurrences in the binary expansion, https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.00142
  • Technau, M. Remark on the Farey fraction spin chain Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2024, 152, 63-69
  • Tenenbaum, G., A note on the normal largest  gap between prime factors, J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux 31, no. 3 (2019), 747-749.
  • Tenenbaum, G.;  Verwee, J., Effective Erd\H os--Wintner theorems, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 314 (2021), 275--289.
  • Tenenbaum, G.; Weingartner, A., An Erd\H{o}s-Kac theorem for  integers with dense divisors, preprint.
  • Tichy, R., Vukusic, I., Yang, D. & Ziegler, V., Integers representable as differences of linear recurrence sequences; Research in Number Theory 7, (2021), 24.  


    by Pierre Bienvenu
  • Talks on "On algebraic properties of power monoids of numerical monoids":
  • June 2022, Hebei Open seminar (online/invited)
  • November 2022, Mississippi Number Theory Seminar (online)
  • December 2022, Uni Graz Algebra and Number Theory Seminar (online)
  • Talks on "Metric decomposability theorems on sets of integers" July 2022, Arith Rand workshop (in person)
  • Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, University College Dublin, Februar 2023.
    by Cecile Dartyge
  • 27/09/2021 Rencontres de théorie analytique et élémentaire des nombres (Paris), "Valeurs polynomiales quartiques avec un grand facteur premier, les cas diédraux et cycliques".
  • 17 mars 2022, séminaire de théorie des nombres de Grenoble, "Valeurs polynomiales quartiques avec un grand facteur premier, les cas diédraux et cycliques".
  • 31 mars 2022 Séminaire de théorie des nombres de Nancy-Metz, "Répartition des nombres premiers dans des suites d'entiers".
  • 1er avril 2022 Séminaire Bourbaki du vendredi, "Répartition des nombres premiers dans des suites d'entiers".
  • 21 juin 2022 Séminaire ADA à Calais, "Valeurs polynomiales quartiques avec un grand facteur premier, les cas diédraux et cycliques".
  • 4--8 Juillet 2022, Number Theory Conference 2022 à Debrecen (Hongrie), conférence en l'honneur de K\'alm\'an Gy\H ory, J\'anos Pintz et Andr\'as S\'ark\''ozy. (Exposé annulé en raison du COVID).
  • 25 novembre 2022, Séminaire de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, "Valeurs polynomiales quartiques avec un grand facteur premier, les cas diédraux et cycliques".
  • 6--12 novembre 2022, Workshop "Analytic Number Thoery", Oberwolfach, Allemagne, On the largest prime factor of quartic polynomial^Mvalues: the cyclic and dihedral cases
  • 5--9 septembre 2022, A celebration of analytic number theory, a conference in honor of Andrew Granville, CRM Montréal, Canada. On the largest prime factor of quartic polynomial values: the cyclic and dihedral cases
  • 8 décembre 2022, Xi'an Jiatong University (Chine), On the largest prime factor of quartic polynomial values: the cyclic and dihedral cases (exposé en ligne).
  • 19 janvier 2023, Number Theory Web Seminar, On the largest prime factor of quartic polynomial^Mvalu\ es: the cyclic and dihedral cases (exposé en ligne).
  • 13 mars 2023, Number Theory Seminar, Warwick University, (Grande Bretagne)
  • 4--6 mai 2023, 7th Minisymposium of the Roman number theory association, (Italie)

    by Sary Drappeau
  • "Modularity of the q-Pochhammer symbol and application", 2020-11-27, CIRM Conference "Diophantine Problems, Determinism and Randomness".
  • "The distribution of the Estermann function and other quantum modular forms", 2021-03-01, Mittag-Leffler semester on Number Theory.
  • "Fractions continues et lois limites pour quelques valeurs de fonctions L", 2021-05-21, Séminaire de Dynamique de l'IMJ-PRG.
  • "Continued fractions and limit laws for values of L-functions", 2021-05-28, N-Cube days.
  • "Shifted convolutions, arithmetic progressions, exponential sums", 2021-06-28 to 2021-07-02, 4 talks at the Paris Summer School in Analytic Number
  • "Quantum modularity for central values of additively twisted Maass L function", 2022-05-31, Genova-Graz Number Theory Workshop, Genova, Italy
  • "Quantum modularity of additive twists of Maass L values", 2022-09-06, Celebrating Analytic Number Theory, conference in honour of Andrew Granville, Montreal, Québec, Canada
  • "The central limit theorem for values of the Estermann function", 2022-09-28, Stanford Number Theory Students online seminar
  • "Formes modulaires quantiques de poids non nul", 2022-10-03, Rencontres de Théorie Analytique et Élémentaire des Nombres, IHP Paris, France
  • "Modularité quantique pour les tordues additives de fonctions L des formes de Maass", 2022-11-15, Séminaire de
  • Théorie des Nombres de Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • Bordeaux, France (seminar, invited) 2023-09-29.  Quantum modular forms of non-zero weight.
  • ISI, Kolkata, India (seminar, invited) 2023-02-01. Quantum modular forms of non-zero weight.
  • ISI, Kolkata, India (conference, invited) 2023-02-08. Quantum modularity for central values of additively twisted Maass L-functions
  • IHP, Paris, France (seminar, invited) 2022-10-03. Formes modulaires « quantiques » de poids non nul
  • Genova, Italy (workshop, invited) 2022-05-31. Quantum modularity for central values of additively twisted Maass L-functions
  • Montreal, Canada (conference, invited) 2022-09-06. Quantum modularity for central values of additively twisted Maass L-functions
  • MPI, Bonn, Germany (workshop, invited) 2023-04-25. Quantum modularity for central values of additively twisted Maass L-functions
  • CIRM, Marseille, France (workshop, invited), 2023-09-25. Quantum modular forms of non-zero weight.

    by Michael Drmota
  • online, contributed, (Logarithmic) Densities for Automatic Sequences along Primes and Squares AG Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien,  March 16, 2021
  • online, invited, (Logarithmic) Densities for Automatic Sequences along Primes and Squares One World Numeration Seminar, March 30, 2021
  • in person, contributed, Primes as Sums of Fibonacci Numbers AG Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien,  October 12, 2021
  • in person, contributed, Subsequences of Automatic Sequences and Uniform Distribution, SFB-Meeting Traunkirchen, January 14, 2022.
  • in person, invited, Primes as Sums of Fibonacci Numbers, Univ. Tours, Seminar, March 17, 2022.
  • in person, invited, Primes as Sums of Fibonacci Numbers I., ArithRand 2022, TU Graz, July 2, 2022.
  • online, constributed, The Sarnak conjecture and related questions on the Fibonacci-Thue-Morse sequence, Russian-Austrian Joint Meeting, July 12, 2022.
  • in person, invited, Primes as Sums of Fibonacci Numbers, Univ. Aix-Marseille, Marseille, Seminar, October 10, 2022.
  • online, invited, Moebius orthogonalily: a classical and modern topic in number theory, Univ. Xiamen, China, October 27, 2022.

    by Christian Elsholtz
  • Large sets in (Z_m)^n without progressions 7 Sep 2020 - 11 Sep 2020, Cirm (Luminy, online)
  • Improved cap constructions, and sets without arithmetic progressions, Conference: Diophantine Problems: Determinism, Randomness, Applications 23 Nov 2020 - 27 Nov 2020, CIRM Luminy (online)
  • Sums of unit fractions, March 18, 2021, Karl Franzens University Graz
  • Improved cap constructions, and sets without arithmetic progressions, March 25, 2021, Karl Franzens University Graz
  • Fermat's Last Theorem implies Euclid's infinitude of the primes, Combinatorial and additive number theory, CANT 2021 (New York, online), 24 Mai 2020 - 28 May 2021
  • Improved cap constructions, and sets without arithmetic progressions, June 3, 2021, Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Applications, Paris, Frankreich, invited.
  • Arithmetic progressions in arithmetic sets, June 11, 2021, Salzburg-Debrecen-Graz seminar, invited.
  • Fermat's last theorem implies Euclid's infinitude of primes, Jun 24, 2021. Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz.
  • Improved cap constructions in affine and projective spaces, 29.9.2021, DMV-ÖMG Tagung, Passau (contributed, virtual)
  • ^ Lower bound constructions for progression-free sets and caps in affine and projective spaces. Number theory seminar, Alfred Renyi-Institute, (invited, virtual)
  • Lower bound constructions for progression-free sets and caps in affine and projective spaces. COmbinatorial Number Theory And Connected Topics (CONTACT - I), India, (invited speaker, virtual)
  • Longer gaps between values of binary quadratic forms, Event title Number Theory Conference 2022: In honour of Professors Kálmán Győry, János Pintz and András Sárközy, Debrecen, July 2022.
  • Constructing large sets avoiding certain structure, Graz, Discrete Mathematics Colloquium.
  • Unendlich viele Beweise für unendlich viele Primzahlen - Variationen zum Satz von Euklid P.H. Ludwigsburg (Germany) 24.5.2023
  • Improving high dimensional constructions, for caps and progression-free sets, by studying medium dimensions, Meeting of the Austrian Mathematical Society, Graz, 18.9.2023.
  • Gaps between values of binary quadratic forms, seminar of the Doctoral School, Graz, 1.12.2023.
  • Lower bounds for progression free sets and caps in F_p^n, ISTA, (Browning group, Working Seminar), 13.12.2023.

    by G. Maiti
  • Convolution of periodic multiplicative functions and the divisor problem,   Rencontres de théorie analytique et élémentaire des nombres, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 20 November, 2023.
  • Convolution of periodic multiplicative functions and the divisor problem,   Arithmetic and Number Theory Seminar, Paul Painlevé Laboratory, Université de Lille, 23 November, 2023
  • Simultaneous non-vanishing of quadratic Dirichlet $L$-functions and twists of Hecke $L$-functions,  Number Theory Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Genova, Italy, 23 May, 2023.
  • Extreme values of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions over function fields,  Séminaire Ernest, Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, Marseille, 14 March, 2023.

    by Bruno Martin
  • invited online talk in the Conference "Diophantine Problems, Determinism and Randomness" in Cirm, 24th november 2020. Title " Some interactions between number theory and multifractal analysis".
  • Transformation de Gauss, équations fonctionnelles et comportement multifractal, Conférence de deux jours pour les 60 ans de Stéphane Jaffard, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 8 juin 2023 (invited, in person)

    by Clemens Müllner
  • Multiplicative automatic sequences, Open University Dynamical Systems seminar of 2021, 13. January 2021 (invited)
  • Multiplicative automatic sequences, One World Numeration Seminar 9. February 2021 (contributed)
  • Substitution dynamical systems in the context of Sarnak's conjecture Seminar: AG Ergodic Theory (University of Vienna) am  10.11.2022 (in person).

    by O. Ramare
  • O. Ramaré, 4 octobre 2021, Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Paris, Polynomes trigonom'etriques arithm'etiques aux points de petites hauteurs, in person
  • 6-17 December 2021, Density Estimates and Additive Combinatorics, brainstorming session with four participants, with the support of ArithRand https://www.i2m.univ-amu.fr/events/density-estimates-and-additive-combinatorics/

    by Olivier Robert
  • AGNT Seminar, Chalmers, June 2nd 2022 : Rational points on an intersection of diagonal forms
  • Séminaire de combinatoire et de théorie des nombres (Lyon), October 4th 2022, Points rationnels sur une intersection de formes diagonales
  • Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres (Nancy) : November 10th 2022 : Points rationnels sur une intersection de formes diagonales
  • Göttingen April 17th 2023 (invited to the Seminar): Rational points on an intersection of diagonal forms
  • Séminaire de combinatoire et de théorie des nombres (Lyon), October 17th 2023, Sur une généralisation des puissances d'un entier ("powered numbers"). Application à un problème additif.

    by Joel Rivat
  • "Pseudo-random properties of sums and products", Debrecen 2022.
    by Andrei Shubin
  • in person, contributed, Primes in subsets and exponential sums, AG Diskrete Mathematik, TU Wien,  Nov 9, 2021
  • 01/07/2022, in person, contributed, Automatic sequences along Piatetski-Shapiro sequences, ArithRand 22, Graz, 1-2 July, 2022
  • 22/08/2022, in person, contributed, Automatic sequences along Piatetski-Shapiro numbers, ELAZ, A conference on elementary and analytic number theory, August 2022
  • 25/01/2023, in person, contributed, On pair correlations of monomial sequences, Browning group working seminar, IST Austria, January 2023

    by Lukas Spiegelhofer
  • The level of distribution of the Thue--Morse sequence, Rencontres de th\'eorie analytique et \'el\'ementaire des nombres, Paris, France, in person, invited, 21 March 2022
  • Collisions of digit sums in different bases, Rencontres de th\'eorie analytique et \'el\'ementaire des nombres, Paris, France, in person, invited, 21 March 2022
  • Primes as sums of Fibonacci numbers, ArithRand 2022, TU Graz, Austria, in person, contributed, 2 July 2022
  • Primes as sums of Fibonacci numbers, One World Numeration Seminar, contributed online talk, 11 Oct 2022
  • Thue--Morse along the sequence of cubes, ÖMG Tagung in Graz, Austria, September 2023.
  • Subsequences of digitally defined functions, IMath Webinar Series of the University of the Philippines Diliman, November 2023
  • The simplest 2-regular sequences, JKU Linz, Austria, December 2023

    by Thomas Stoll
    On difference matrices and generalised Rudin-Shapiro sequences, Plenary talk, online, 7th International Conference on Uniform Distribution Theory (UDT2021), 24-02-2021.
  • online, invited, The sum of digits of polynomials, special lecture, Shandong University at Weihai (Chine), 16/1/23
  • 06/06/2023 : T. Stoll, Complexité d'ordre maximal des suites automatiques et morphiques, Marseille, Séminaire Ernest
  • 20/11/2023 : T. Stoll, Lemme de Hensel pour les fonctions continues p-adiques, Rencontres de théorie analytique et élémentaire des nombres, IHP Paris
  • 25/01/2024 : T. Stoll, Lemme de Hensel pour les fonctions continues p-adiques, Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Nancy-Metz
    by G. Tenenbaum
  • Number Theory Web Seminar, 10 novembre 2020. Diophantine Problems, Determinism and Randomness, CIRM, Luminy, 23-27 novembre 2020.
  • Analytic & combinatorial number theory in honour of R. Balasubramanian, IMSc, Chennai, 16 march, 2021, (online).
  • Sommes de Gál et applications, invited, Colloquium université de Reims, 25/1/2022
  • Friable averages, a survey, invited, ELAZ 2022, a conference on Elementary and Analytic Number Theory, Poznań, 24/8/2022.

    by R. Tichy
  • QMC methods in finance and insurance, University Lausanne, 24.04.2023.

    by V. Gozé
  • Poster presentation in Congress for Young Researchers in Mathematics and its Applications 2022 (22/09/22) in Calais: "The prime number theorem".
  • Talk on "Average order of arithmetic functions and the prime number theorem" in the PhD student seminar in Calais (04/05/23).
  • Poster presentation in "Journées des doctorants du pôle MTE" (20/06/23, intended for a non-expert audience) in Calais.