Contact Information
University of Innsbruck, Austria
Department of Mathematics
Technikerstrasse 13, Office 722b/7th floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Email: and (both are valid)
Tel: +43 512 507 53871
Office hours: Monday 10:00-11:00
About me
I am currently a tenure-track assistant professor in mathematics at the University of Innsbruck (Austria), Department of Mathematics. Prior to that, I was assistant professor (non tenure-track) at Graz University of Technology (Austria) and a visiting assistant professor at Cornell University, USA. I received my Ph.D in December 2010, from Graz University of Technology, under the supervision of Wolfgang Woess.
Research Interests
My research deals mostly with the interplay between structural and geometrical properties of infinite graphs and the behavior
of random walks and of rotor-router walks (which are derandomized versions of random walks) on these graphs. I am investigating the
differences and similarities
of these two walks (random walk and rotor-router walk) in relation to the underlying graph structure, which may be random or not.
I am also working on internal aggregation models (IDLA, rotor-router aggregation, sandpile models) on fractal graphs and other state spaces. Moreover, I also have some interests in zig-zag products of graphs, (geometric) boundaries of random walks. More details, just look at my publications.
Bachelor and Master Thesis
I am currently supervising Bachelor and Master Theses in the area of Stochastics, at the University of Innsbruck. A list with possible topics will be available soon.
Current Teaching WS 2019: University of Innsbruck
Winter term 2019
- Statistics (Proseminar)
Summer term 2020
- Stochastics I (lecture)
- Stochastics I (Proseminar)