Organized Conferences
- Organizer (with Daniele D'angeli, Abraham Gutierrez, Amnon Rosenmann) of the Workshop on Groups, Automata and Graphs (GAG), Graz University of Technology, Austria; February 11-12, 2019.
- Organizer (with Wolgang Woess) of the Austrian Stochastics Days 2016;
Graz University of Technology, June 30 - July 1, 2016.
- Organizer (with T. Ceccherini-Silberstein and M. Salvatori) of the conference:
Groups, Graphs and Random Walks; Conference in honor of Wolfgang Woess's
60th Birthday. Cortona (Italy), June 2-6, 2014.
- Organizer of the Discrete Mathematics Day 2014,
TU Graz, May 16, 2014.
- Organizer (with W. Woess) of the workshop:
Branching random walks and related topics,
at Graz University of Technology, July 9-11, 2012.
- Organizer of the Discrete Mathematics Day 2012,
TU Graz, June 1, 2012.
- Organizer of the Discrete Mathematics Day 2011,
TU Graz, June 9, 2011.
- Organizer (with W. Woess) of the
Spring School in discrete probability, ergodic theory, and combinatorics, TU Graz, April 4-15, 2011.
- Organizer (with W. Huss) of the
DK Opening: the official opening of the Doctoral program DK in discrete mathematics, Graz, October 15, 2010.
- Organizer (with W. Huss and W. Woess) of the Workshop
on Analytic enumeration methods in combinatorics, probability and number theory, in Graz, May 27-28, 2010.
- Organizer (with W. Woess) of the Boundaries Workshop in Graz, June 29-July 04, 2009.
Research Visits
- University Milano-Bicocca (visiting Daniela Bertacchi) and Technical University of Milano (visiting Fabio Zucca), September 4-9, 2016.
- University of Connecticut, March 1-5, 2016. Visiting Joe Chen and
Alexander Teplyaev.
- Aix-Marseille University, October 18-25, 2014, France. Visiting Sebastian Müller.
- Vienna University of Technology, April 27-May 06, 2012, Vienna, Austria. Visiting Wilfried Huss.
- Siegen University, May 23-June 06 and November 30-December 13, 2011, Germany. Visiting Uta Freiberg and Wilfried Huss.
- Visiting Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein, November 19-24 2009, Rome, Italy.
Attended Conferences and Schools
- Workshop: Branching in Innsbruck, September 23-26, 2019; Innsbruck.
- Workshop: Women in Probability, May 31 - June 1, 2019; TU Munich, Germany.
invited speaker
- Fractal Geometry and Stochastics 6, Bad Herrenalb (Black Forest), Germany; 30 Sep-5 Oct 2018; Invited speaker.
- Austrian Stochastics Days 2016, Graz University of Technology, Austria, June 30 - July 1, 2016;
- School
and Workshop on Random Interacting Systems, University of Bath, UK, 19-24 June 2016.
- Workshop Women in Probability 2016, Munich University of Technology, Germany, June 3-4, 2016; Invited speaker.
- Workshop on Groups, Graphs and Stochastic Processes; at Banff
International Research Center, Canada; June 21-26, 2015.
Group photo here.
- International Conference on Boundaries and Ergodic Geometry;
University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA; June 1-5, 2015.
- Groups, Graphs and Random Walks; Conference in honor of Wolfgang Woess's
60th Birthday. Cortona (Italy); June 2-6, 2014.
- 2nd Austrian Stochastics Day,
University of Innsbruck (Austria);
September 27, 2013.
- 18th ÖMG Congress and Annual DMV Meeting,
University of Innsbruck (Austria); September 23 – 26, 2013.
- Leoben-Ljubljana Graph Theory Seminar,
Graz, September 15-18, 2013.
- Random Walks: Crossroads and Perspectives,
Renyi Institute, Budapest (Hungary); June 24-28, 2013.
- Discrete Mathematics Day 2013;
TU Graz, June 7, 2013.
- Branching random walks and related topics;
TU Graz, July 9-11, 2012.
- Discrete Mathematics Day 2012;
TU Graz, June 1, 2012.
- Cornell Probability Summer School, at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, USA, July 11-22, 2011;
- La Pietra week in Probability at Finaly, June, 13-17, 2011, Florence, Italy;
- Discrete Mathematics Day 2011,
TU Graz, June 9, 2011.
- Young women in probability, May 19-21, 2011, Bonn, Germany;
- Conference: Bialgebras in free probability, April 18-21, 2011,
Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI), Vienna, Austria
(more details here).
- Spring school in discrete probability, ergodic theory, and combinatorics, April 4-15, 2011, Graz, Austria
(Spring school).
- Workshop: Analytic enumeration methods in combinatorics, probability and number theory, TU Graz, May 27-28, 2010, Graz, Austria
(Analytic Methods).
- ÖMG-DMV congress 2009: the Austrian and German Mathematical Society meeting, TU Graz, September 20-25, 2009, Graz, Austria (ÖMG-DMV Congress).
- Alp-Workshop: Spectral and probabilistic properties of random walks on random graphs, July 4&5, 2009, St. Kathrein am Offenegg, Austria (Alp-Workshop).
- Workshop on Boundaries, June 29-July 04, 2009, Graz University of Technology, Austria (Boundaries workshop).
- Workshop: Groups and infinite graphs, August 25-29, 2008, Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI), Vienna, Austria (Groups and infinite graphs).
- Saint-Flour Probability Summer School, July 4-19, 2008, St-Flour, France.
- Probability summer school (SMI-Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria), August 1-17, 2007, Cortona, Italy.
- Workshop: Algebraic, geometric and probabilistic aspects of amenability, June 27-July 14, 2007,
Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI), Vienna, Austria
- Workshop: Amenability beyond groups, February 27-March 17, 2007, Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI), Vienna, Austria (Amenability).
- Conference: Random walks on groups, February 5-9, 2007, CIRM Marseille, France.
- Summer school in Mathematics (SMI-Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria), July 30-September 2, 2006, Perugia, Italy.
- Summer school in Mathematics (SMI-Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria), August 1-September 3, 2005, Perugia, Italy.