Topics for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Thesis
The Combinatorics Group at TU Graz offers various research topics in discrete mathematics for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Thesis. Currently available research topics for Bachelor and Master thesis include
- Random graphs
- Random hypergraphs
If you are interested in writing a thesis on one of the above topics, please contact one of
- Joshua Erde (erde@math.tugraz.at)
- Mihyun Kang (kang@math.tugraz.at)
- Philipp Sprüssel (spruessel@math.tugraz.at)
Selected Courses in Summer Semester 2025
- Advanced and algorithmic graph theory, VO, UE
- Analytic combinatorics, VU
- Diskrete Mathematik für Lehramt Informatik, VU
- Mathematik II, M, VO, UE
Selected Courses in Winter Semester 2024
- Mathe-Fit, VO, UE
- Mathematik 0, VO
- Mathematik I, M, VO, UE
- Probabilistic method in combinatorics and algorithmics, VU
Selected Courses in Summer Semester 2024
- Analytic combinatorics, VU
- Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Studies, VU
- Discrete Stochastics and Information Theory, VO, UE
- Mathematik B (ET), VO, UE
Selected Courses in Winter Semester 2023/24
- Discrete and algebraic structures, VO, UE
- Elective Subject Mathematics: Random graphs, VO, UE
- Mathe-Fit, VO, UE
- Mathematik A (ET), VO, UE
- Probabilistic method in combinatorics and algorithmics, VU
Selected Courses in Summer Semester 2023
- Advanced and algorithmic graph theory, VO, UE
- Analytic combinatorics, VU
- Mathematik II, M, VO, UE
Selected Courses in Winter Semester 2022/2023
- Mathematik 0, VO
- Mathematik I, M, VO, UE
- Probabilistic method in combinatorics and algorithmics, VU
Selected Courses in Summer Semester 2022
- Analytic combinatorics, VU
- Advanced and algorithmic graph theory, VO, UE
- Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Studies, VU
- Mathematik B (ET), VO, UE
Selected Courses in Winter Semester 2021/22
- Discrete and algebraic structures, VO, UE
- Elective Subject Mathematics: Expander graphs in combinatorics and computer science, VO, UE
- Mathe-Fit, VO, UE
- Probabilistic method in combinatorics and algorithmics, VU
Selected Courses in Summer Semester 2021
- Advanced and algorithmic graph theory, VO, UE
- Analytic combinatorics, VU
- Elective subject mathematics: Advanced random graphs, VO, UE
- Mathematik II, M, VO, UE
Selected Courses in Winter Semester 2020/2021
- Elective subject mathematics: Random graphs, VO, UE
- Mathematik 0, VO
- Mathematik I, M, VO, UE
- Probabilistic method in combinatorics and algorithmics, VU
Selected Courses in Summer Semester 2020
- Analytic combinatorics, VU
- Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Studies, VU
- Elective subject mathematics: Advanced random graphs, VO, UE
Selected Courses in Winter Semester 2019/20
- Discrete and algebraic structures, VO, UE
- Elective subject mathematics: Random graphs, VO, UE
- Probabilistic method in combinatorics and algorithmics, VU
Selected Courses in Summer Semester 2019
- Advanced and algorithmic graph theory, VO, UE
- Analytic combinatorics, VU
- Mathematik II, M, VO, UE
Selected Courses in Winter Semester 2018/19
- Mathematik 0, VO
- Mathematik I, M, VO, UE
- Probabilistic method in combinatorics and algorithmics, VU
Selected Courses in Summer Semester 2018
- Advanced and algorithmic graph theory, VO, UE
- Analytic combinatorics, VU
- Discrete Mathematics for ICE, VU
- Scientific communication, SE
Selected Courses in Winter Semester 2017/18
- Discrete and algebraic structures, VO, UE
- Elective subjects mathematics: Extremal & Probabilistic Combinatorics, VO, UE
- Probabilistic method in combinatorics and algorithmics, VU
Selected Courses in Summer Semester 2017
- Advanced and algorithmic graph theory, VO, UE
- Analytic combinatorics, VU
- Mathematik II, M, VO, UE
- Scientific communication, SE
Selected Courses in Winter Semester 2016/17
- Mathematik 0, VO
- Mathematik I, M, VO, UE
- Probabilistic method in combinatorics and algorithmics, VU
Selected Courses in Summer Semester 2016
- Discrete Mathematics for ICE, VU
- Selected topics in discrete Mathematics (Random Graphs), VO, UE
- Scientific Communication, SE
Selected Courses in Winter Semester 2015/16
- Discrete and algebraic structures, VO, UE
- Einführung in die komplexe Analysis, VO, UE
- Selected Topics in Discrete Mathematics (Probabilistic Methods), VO, UE