Visitors of the Combinatorics Group
- 5-10 May 2024, Michael Krievelevich, Tel Aviv University
- 5-10 May 2024, Sahar Diskin, Tel Aviv University
- 15-19 January 2024, Michael Anastos, IST Austria
- 18-22 December 2023, Amin Coja-Oghlan, TU Dortmund
- 18-21 December 2023, Lena Krieg, TU Dortmund
- 18-21 December 2023, Maurice Rolvien, TU Dortmund
- 18-21 December 2023, Olga Scheftelowitsch, TU Dortmund
- 18-21 December 2023, Pavel Zakharov, TU Dortmund
- 10 November 2023, Joonas Turunen, University of Vienna
- 9-13 October 2023, Matthew Jenssen, King's College London
- 26-30 June 2023, Nikolaos Fountoulakis, University of Birmingham
- 2-5 May 2023, Mikhail Isaev, Monash University
- 24-28 April 2023, Michael Krievelevich, Tel Aviv University
- 24-28 April 2023, Sahar Diskin, Tel Aviv University
- 14-22 December 2022, Amin Coja-Oghlan, TU Dortmund
- 14-22 December 2022, Lena Krieg, TU Dortmund
- 14-22 December 2022, Maurice Rolvien, TU Dortmund
- 28-2 December 2022, Tamas Maka, University of Munich
- 22-30 July 2022, Mikhail Isaev, Monash University
- 30 May - 3 June 2022, Michael Anastos, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria
- 7-10 March 2022, Matthew Kwan, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria
- 15-17 December 2021, Bojan Mohar, Simon Fraser University
- 16-20 December 2019, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Goethe University of Frankfurt
- 16-20 December 2019, Joon Lee, Goethe University of Frankfurt
- 8-21 December 2019, Jean Bernoulli Ravelomanana, Goethe University of Frankfurt
- 21-23 November 2019, Benny Sudakov, ETH Zürich
- 15-20 October 2019, Michael Krievelevich, Tel Aviv University
- 11 October 2019, Michael Drmota, TU Wien
- 19-29 September 2019, Oleg Pikhurko, University of Warwick
- 7-21 June 2019, Jason Gao, Carleton University
- 1-6 June 2019, Jaehoon Kim, University of Warwick
- 17-24 May 2019, Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Academia Sinica
- 12-18 May 2019, Colin McDiarmid, University of Oxford
- 24-30 March 2019, Konstantinos Panagiotou, University of Munich
- 4-8 March 2019, Eric Fusy, Ecole Polytechnique
- 15-21 February 2019, Oleg Pikhurko, University of Warwick
- 10-14 December 2018, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Goethe University of Frankfurt
- 10-14 December 2018, Max Hahn-Klimroth, Goethe University of Frankfurt
- 15-26 October 2018, Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Academia Sinica
- 13-25 September 2018, Oleg Pikhurko, University of Warwick
- 3-6 July 2018, Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Academia Sinica
- 2-6 July 2018, Yu Jin, TU Wien
- 14-17 June 2018, Laszlo Babai, University of Chicago
- 14-17 June 2018, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Goethe University Frankfurt
- 14-17 June 2018, Penny Haxell, University of Waterloo
- 14-16 June 2018, Ioannis Emiris, NK University of Athens
- 14-16 June 2018, Martin Skutella, TU Berlin
- 24 May - 16 June 2018, Mikhail Isaev, Monash University
- 15-20 April 2018, Richard Mycroft, University of Birmingham
- 9-20 April 2018, Jeong Han Kim, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
- 5-8 March 2018, Danièle Gardy, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin
- 1-5 October 2017, Michael Krievelevich, Tel Aviv University
- 23 September-1 October 2017, Oleg Pikhurko, University of Warwick
- 17-24 September 2017, Ron Aharoni, Technion
- 7-22 July 2017, Mikhail Isaev, University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney
- 3-7 July 2017, Nikolaos Fountoulakis, University of Birmingham
- 22 May-1 June, Jeong Han Kim, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
- 26-28 April 2017, Sergio Cabello, University of Ljubljana
- 30 March-4 April 2017, Kathrin Skubch, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
- 30 March-1 April, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Goethe University of Frankfurt
- 1-31 March 2017, Moumanti Podder, New York University
- 12-23 March 2017, Miloš Stojaković, University of Novi Sad
- 6-8 March 2017, Tony Johansson, Uppsala University
- 2-4 March 2017, Wenjie Fang, Paris Diderot University
- 20-23 February 2017, Tobias Kapetanopoulos, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
- 20-23 February 2017, Kathrin Skubch, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
- 21-23 November 2016, Sergio Cabello, University of Ljubljana
- 9-16 October 2016, Oleg Pikhurko, University of Warwick
- 6-7 October 2016, Joel Spencer, New York University
- 1 October-30 November 2016, Moumanti Podder, New York University
- 8-12 July 2016, Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Academia Sinica
- 26 June-2 July 2016, Nikolaos Fountoulakis, University of Birmingham
- 23-24 May 2016, Dieter Mitsche, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis
- 13-19 December 2015, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Goethe University of Frankfurt
- 13-19 December 2015, Kathrin Skubch, Goethe University of Frankfurt
- 18-21 October 2015, Benedikt Stufler, University of Munich
- 28-30 September 2015, Chris Dowden, London School of Economics
- 24-26 September, Matas Šileikis, University of Oxford
- 28 June-4 July 2015, Belá Bollobás, University of Cambridge
- 2 June 2015, Andreas Hinz, University of Munich
- 3-6 May 2015, Juan José Rué Perna, Free University of Berlin
- 19-25 April 2015, Penny Haxell, University of Waterloo
- 3 February 2015, Wilfried Imrich, Montane University of Leoben
- 26-28 January 2015, Thomas Selig, University of Bordeaux
- 14-19 December 2014, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Goethe University of Frankfurt
- 14-19 December 2014, Kathrin Skubch, Goethe University of Frankfurt
- 16-22 November 2014, Wenjie Fang, Paris Diderot University
- 9-14 November 2014, Joel Spencer, New York University
- 23-25 October 2014, Juerg Kramer, Humboldt University of Berlin
- 22-28 June 2014, Nikolaos Fountoulakis, University of Birmingham
- 18-20 October 2013, Martin Aigner, Free University of Berlin
- 19-21 September 2013, Oliver Riordan, University of Oxford
- 19-21 September 2013, Charilaos Efthymiou, Goethe University Frankfurt
- 2-20 September 2013, Konstantinos Panagiotou, University of Munich
- 2-6 September 2013, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Goethe University of Frankfurt
- 13-21 July 2013, Penny Haxell, University of Waterloo
- 24-28 June 2013, Nikolaos Fountoulakis, University of Birmingham
- 18-19 June 2013, Michael Drmota, Vienna University of Technology
- 17-18 June 2013, Konstantinos Panagiotou, University of Munich
- 6-8 June 2013, Imre Bárány, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 6-8 June 2013, Endre Szemerédi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 11-15 May 2013, Sang-il Oum, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST
- 10-23 March 2013, Yury Person, Free University of Berlin
- 4-8 March 2013, Konstantinos Panagiotou, University of Munich
- 18-21 November 2012 , Yury Person, Free University of Berlin
- 12-13 November 2012, Anusch Taraz, Munich University of Technology
- 29 October-1 November 2012, Hyung-Chan An, EPFL Lausanne
- 7-20 October 2012, Joel Spencer, New York University
- 24 September-4 October 2012, Tomasz Luczak, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- 3-7 September 2012, Martin Loebl, Charles University Prague
- 13-16 August 2012, Satoru Iwata, Kyoto University
- 28 May-2 June 2012, Michal Karoński, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań