Winter term 2024/2025: Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics
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Fridays: Coffee break 10:30-11:00, Talk 11:00-11:45
SR Mechanik, Kopernikusgasse 24 (if not specified differently)
SR Mechanik, Kopernikusgasse 24 (if not specified differently)
- 04.10 No Seminar: Faculty day for Mathmatics, Physics, and Geodesy.
- 11.10 Mario Weitzer (MU Leoben)
Formalizing p-adic arithmetic and dynamics in Lean (theorem prover) - 18.10 doc.funds kick-off event
- 25.10 Dominik Schmid (TU Graz - Institute of Discrete Mathematics)
Building spanning graphs in the semi-random tree process - 01.11 Holiday
- 08.11 Erlend Børve (University of Cologne)
g-representation type of incidence algebras of posets - 15.11 Balint Rago (University of Graz)
On orders in Dedekind domains with nice arithmetic properties - 22.11 Christian Elsholtz (TU Graz, Institute of Analysis and Number Theory)
Improving Behrend's construction: Sets without arithmetic progressions in integers and over finite fields - 29.11 No Seminar: Festkolloquium ``50 years Institute of Statistics'' (link)
- 06.12 Michael Wallner (TU Graz, Institute of Discrete Mathematics)
Composition schemes for generating functions: Phase transitions in Gibbs models and Mittag-Leffler distributions - 13.12 Ethan Williams (TU Graz, Institute of Discrete Mathematics)
Eternal Domination and the Stacking Number - 20.12 Doctoral School Seminar at TU Graz
- 27.12 Christmas break
- 03.01 Christmas break
- 10.01 Johannes Wallner (TU Graz - Institute of Geometry)
Fomin et al.'s master theorem of linear incidence geometry - 17.01 Michael Henry (TU Graz, Institute of Analysis and Number Theory)
TBA (Part I) - 24.01 Doctoral day at Uni Graz
- 31.01 Michael Henry (TU Graz, Institute of Analysis and Number Theory)
TBA (Part II)
Summer term 2024: Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics
Fridays: Coffee break 10:30-11:00, Talk 11:00-11:45
SR2 Geometry Institute (if not specified differently)
SR2 Geometry Institute (if not specified differently)
- 01.03. No Seminar.
- 08.03. Alexander Zahrer (University of Graz)
A small stretch into operadic yoga - 15.03. Stephan Wagner (TU Graz, Institute of Discrete Mathematics)
Local limits of descent-biased permutations and trees - 22.03. Laura Cossu (University of Graz)
Matrix factorization and Generalized Euclidean rings
Doctoral School Seminar in the afternoon at KFU - 29.03. Easter break
- 05.04. Easter break
- 12.04. Philipp Sprüssel (TU Graz, Institute of Discrete Mathematics)
Random Simplicial Complexes - 19.04. No seminar (faculty retreat)
- 26.04. Doctoral School Seminar at TU Graz
- 03.05. Kristof Huszar (TU Graz, Institute of Geometry)
Structural Graph Parameters in Low-Dimensional Topology - 10.05. Rektorstag
- 17.05. Joachim Orthaber (TU Graz, Institut for Software Technology)
Counting Crossing-Free Structures in Drawings of Graphs
Doctoral School Seminar in the afternoon at KFU - 24.05. DK closing event
- 31.05. Fenstertag
- 07.06. Eleonore Faber (University of Graz)
Frieze patterns - from combinatorics to representation theory - 14.06. David J. Grynkiewicz (University of Memphis, USA)
Inverse Sumset Results mod $p$ at High Density - 21.06. Doctoral School Seminar at TU Graz
- 28.06. Nantel Bergeron (York University, Canada)
The excedance quotient of the Bruhat order, Quasisymmetric Varieties and Temperley-Lieb algebras
Winter term 2023/2024: Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics
Fridays: Coffee break 10:30-11:00, Talk 11:00-11:45
SR2 Geometry Institute (if not specified differently)
SR2 Geometry Institute (if not specified differently)
- 06.10 No Seminar: Faculty day for Mathmatics, Physics, and Geodesy.
- 13.10 Matthew Jenssen (King's College London)
Zeros of the chromatic polynomial
Doctoral School Seminar in the afternoon at KFU - 20.10 Matias van Bell (TU Graz, Institute of Geometry)
Framing lattices
Rigorosum of Bianca Dornelas at 13:30 in Seminar Room Analysis and Number Theory (Kopernikus 24, 2.OG)
- 27.10 Fenstertag
- 03.11 Mara Pompili (KFU Graz)
Cluster Algebras: an introduction to their ring-theoretic properties - 10.11
Mario Weitzer (TU Graz, Institute of Analysis and Number Theory)(Postponed to next semester)
Formalizing p-adic arithmetic and dynamics in Lean (theorem prover) - 17.11 Doctoral School Seminar at TU Graz
- 24.11 Martin Kalck (KFU Graz)
Graphs in representation theory - 01.12 Christian Elsholtz (TU Graz, Institute of Analysis and Number Theory)
Gaps between values of binary quadratic forms - 08.12 Holiday
- 15.12 Anna Geisler (TU Graz, Institute of Discrete Mathematics)
Majority Bootstrap Percolation on Product Graphs
Doctoral School Seminar in the afternoon at KFU - 22.12 Christmas break
- 29.12 Christmas break
- 05.01 Christmas break
- 12.01 Marc Technau (TU Graz, Institute of Analysis and Number Theory)
Cilleruelo's conjecture on the LCM of polynomial sequences - 19.01 Michael Anastos (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
Climbing up a random subgraph of the hypercube - 26.01 Sabina Kiss (TU Graz, Institute of Discrete Mathematics)
Adjustable Robust Optimization for Transport Planning with uncertain demands
Summer term 2023: Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics
Fridays: Coffee break 10:30-11:00, Talk 11:00-11:45
SR2 Geometry Institute (if not specified differently)
For past semesters, see the webpage of the DK Discrete Mathematics.
SR2 Geometry Institute (if not specified differently)
- 03.03. Michael Wibmer (TU Graz)
Lifting generators of linear algebraic groups - 10.03. Mauricio Collares (TU Graz)
Counting orientations of random graphs with no directed k-cycle - 17.03. Anna Geisler (TU Graz)
Reaching consensus on a shared memory - 24.03. No seminar (faculty retreat)
- 31.03. Doctoral School Seminar at TU Graz
- 07.04. Easter break
- 14.04. Easter break
- 21.04. Matthias Söls (TU Graz)
The localized Union-of-Balls Bifiltration
Doctoral School Seminar in the afternoon at KFU -
28.04. Sahar Diskin (Tel Aviv University)
The Erdös-Renyi component phenomenon: component sizes in percolation on high-dimensional product graphs
Rigorosum of Tuan Anh Do at 14:00 in Seminar Room AE06
Both events are part of the Combinatorics day at TU Graz. - 05.05. Stefan Lendl (KFU Graz and s2 data&algorithms)
The complexity landscape of multi-stage robust optimization
Room change! HS F (Kopernikusgasse 24, 3.OG) - 12.05. Dominik Schmid (TU Graz)
Catching a robber on a random hypergraph - 19.05. Rektorstag
- 26.05. Doctoral School Seminar at TU Graz
- 02.06. Panagiotis Spanos (TU Graz)
Discrete Nilpotent Groups - 09.06. Fenstertag
- 16.06. Jakob Führer (TU Graz)
Progressions in asymmetric Euclidean Ramsey theory - 23.06. DK/GSDM retreat Doctoral School Seminar in the afternoon at KFU
- 30.06. Lucia Rossi (MU Leoben)
Tilings for rational number systems: an art project