SS 2014: Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics

Fridays: Coffee Break 11:30-12:00; Talks 12:00-12:45.
  • 07.03. Marko Raseta (TU Graz)
    Title: Topics in Mathematical Economics.
  • 14.03. no Advanced Topics - Dissertanten Seminar (TU).
  • 21.03. Dijana Kreso (TU Graz)
    PhD defense. 11:00; Title of the thesis: Rational function decomposition and Diophantine equations.
  • 28.03. Marko Raseta (TU Graz)
    Limit theorems for periodic functions with random frequencies.
  • 04.04. No Advanced Topics
    Math. Kolloquium Prof. P. Gritzmann (HS BE01) 11:15-12:00; Coffee break 10:45-11:15 Foyer.
  • 11.04. Timo Jolivet (LIAFA Paris 7, Uni Leoben)
    Title: Self-affine sets with non-empty interior.
    Dissertanten Seminar (KFU).
  • 18.04. Easter break
  • 25.04. Easter break
  • 02.05. Easter break
  • 09.05. Alfred Geroldinger(KFU); Talk at KF University, Universitätsstraße 15 Bauteil B, 1.OG (Resowi Zentrum), HS 15.11
    Title: Zero-Sum Problems.
  • 16.05. Discrete Mathematics Day 2014
  • 22.05. Daniel Smertnig , Ph.D defense; KF University 15:15 - 17:00, HS 10.01 (Chemistry building).
    Title: Factorization Theory in Maximal Orders
  • 23.05. Alberto Facchini (Padova); Coffee 10:00-10:30. Talk 10:30-11:30; at KF University, HS 11.01 (Anglistikhörsaal) , Heinrichstraße 36, EG.
    Title: Some particular direct-sum decompositions and direct-product decompositions
    Dissertanten Seminar (KFU).
  • 30.05. no Advanced Topics: Rector's day
  • 06.06. No Advanced Topics
    Math. Kolloquium Prof. G. Ziegler (Berlin)
  • 10.06. Marko Raseta (TU Graz). PhD defense; 10:00
    Title: Lacunary Series with Random Gaps
    TU Graz, Seminarraum für Statistik, Kopernikusgasse 24, 3. Stock.
  • 13.06. No Advanced Topics
  • 18.06. Alina Bazarova (TU Graz). PhD defense; 10:45
    Title: Asymptotic properties of trimmed sums and their applications in Analysis and Statistics
    TU Graz, Seminarraum für Statistik, Kopernikusgasse 24, 3. Stock.
  • 20.06. No Advanced Topics
  • 27.06. no Advanced Topics - Dissertanten Seminar (TU)
  • 01.07. Milton Minervino (MU Leoben). PhD defense: 10:00
    Title: Rauzy fractals and tilings
    Hörsaal Bergbaukunde (Hauptgebäude, 2. OG), Montanuniversität Leoben.
  • 04.07. Florian Lehner (TU Graz). PhD defense: 10:30
    Title: Symmetry breaking in graphs and groups
    Seminarraum 2 Geometrie, TU Graz.

Summer term 2014

TU Graz
Advanced Topics in DM
See above for a program
2 hours DK members
Seminar for doctorands 1 hour TU and KFU professors
TU Graz
Discrete stochastic models 3 hours Sebastian Müller
TU Graz
Differential Geometry 3 hours Johannes Wallner
Advanced Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory II (Special Seminar for Postgraduate Students) 2 hours Karin Baur
Alfred Geroldinger
Representation Theory 2 hours Karin Baur
Mori Domains: Arithmetic and Ideal Theory 4 hours Alfred Geroldinger
Basic Topic Algebra: Class Field Theory 4 hours Franz Halter-Koch
Number Theory 4 hours Florian Kainrath
MU Leoben
Seminar in Topology 2 hours Jörg Thuswaldner
MU Leoben
Calculus of Variations 2 hours Jörg Thuswaldner