Winter term 2019: Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics

Fridays: Coffee 10:30-11:00, Talk 11:00-11:45, SR2 Geometry Institute (if not specified differently).
  • 30.09. Rigorosum of our colleague Jordan McMahon (KFU Graz)
    Special location and time: KFU Graz, HS 11.02, Heinrichstraße 36, Erdgeschoß, 15:15 – 17:15
    Title: Idempotent Ideals and Higher Auslander-Reiten Theory.
  • 04.10. Leonardo Alese (TU Graz)
    Title: Closing curves by rearranging arcs.
  • 11.10. René Corbet (TU Graz)
    Title: Discretizations in multi-parameter persistence.
  • 18.10. Tamal Dey (The Ohio State University)
    Title: Generalised Persistence Algorithm for Decomposing Multi-parameter Persistence Modules.
  • 25.10. Mathematical Discussion Forum
  • 01.11. Holiday
  • 08.11. Julian Zalla (TU Graz)
    Title: j-tight paths in random hypergraphs.
    Doctoral School Seminar in the afternoon at KFU
  • 13.11. Rigorosum (PhD defense) of our colleague Irene Parada (TU Graz)
    Special location and time: NT04060 Seminarraum 1 (Geometrie), Kopernikusgasse 24, 4. OG, time: 11:30
    Title: On straight-line and topological drawings of graphs in the plane.
  • 15.11. Peter Paule (RISC Linz)
    Special location and time: MU Leoben, HS für Umweltschutz, 11:15 – 12:00
    Title: Ramanujan, Felix Klein, and Computer Algebra.
  • 22.11. Tag der Mathematik 2019 at TU Graz
  • 29.11. Ujué Etayo Rodriguez (TU Graz)
    Title: Distributing many points on a sphere.
  • 06.12. Stefan Lendl (TU Graz)
    Title: Location problems on graphs.
  • 13.12. Discrete Mathematics Day 2019
  • 17.12.-05.01. Christmas holidays
  • 10.01.
    Doctoral School Seminar at TU Graz
  • 17.01. Stjepan Sebek (TU Graz)
    Title: Capacity of the range of stable random walks.
  • 24.01. Lucia Rossi (MU Leoben)
    Title: Sturmian Sequences and Rauzy Fractals.
  • 31.01. Rigorosum of our colleague Arnur Nigmetov (TU Graz) at 11:00
    Title: Comparison of Topological Summaries.
  • 03.04. Rigorosum of our colleague Mahadi Ddamulira (TU Graz)
    Title: tba.

Winter term 2019

TU Graz
Advanced Topics in DM
See above for a program
2 hours DK members
Seminar for doctorands 1 hour TU and KFU professors
Grundthema Applied Mathematics: Optimal transportation 4 hours Amit Einav
501.001 + 501.002
Grundthemen Algebra: Topological methods in ring theory 3+1 hours Sophie Frisch
Grundthemen Analysis 3 hours Jussi Behrndt
505.025 + 505.011
Grundthemen Funktionalanalysis: Fredholm Determinants and Trace Ideals 3+1 hours Oleksiy Kostenko, Franz Lehner
Grundthemen Stochastik: Markov Processes 3 hours Stefan Thonhauser
Noncommutative Algebra 3 hours Alfred Geroldinger
Advanced Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory I 2 hours Alfred Geroldinger
Grundthema Algebra: Multiplicative ideal theory 2 hours Andreas Reinhart
Elective subject Mathematics (Topics in Additive Combinatorics) 2 hours Qinghai Zhong
505.014 + 505.014
Grundthemen Discrete Mathematics: Random Graphs 3+1 hours Joshua Erde