Conference on Rings and Polynomials

TU Graz, July 20th to 25th, 2020

Continuing the series of ring-theory conferences held alternatingly at the two math departments in Graz - at TU in 2012, at KFU in 2014, at TU in 2016, and at KFU in 2018 - there will be a conference on "Rings and Polynomials" at Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz) July 20-25, 2020.


  • Integer-valued polynomials
  • Polynomial functions
  • Multiplicative ideal theory
  • Topological methods in ring theory
  • Zariski-Riemann spaces of valuation domains
  • Factorization theory in rings and semigroups
  • Module theory and linear algebra over rings
  • Dedekind, Prüfer and Krull domains and generalizations

Further details can be found on the conference website Conference on Rings and Polynomials, 2020.