Project 05: "Digital expansions with applications in cryptography"

This project was running from 2010 until 2014.

Principal investigator: Clemens Heuberger
Graz University of Technology, Austria.
Mentor for: Barroero, Frei, Greinecker.

DK Student

  • First phase of the doctoral program:
  • Daniel Krenn (Austria; November 2010–January 2013)
    Personal homepage; Email:
    Mentors: Peter Grabner, Jörg Thuswaldner.
    PhD Defense: January 25, 2013.
    Referees: C. Heuberger, T. Lange (Eindhoven), J. Thuswaldner (Leoben).
    Examiners: C. Heuberger, J. Thuswaldner (Leoben).

Associated Students

  • First phase of the doctoral program:
  • Nina Schmuck (Austria; since October 2010)
    (on maternity since January 2013)
    Mentors: Peter Kirschenhofer, Bettina Klinz.

Project description

C. Heuberger's research interests include the asymptotic and probabilistic analysis of algorithms in the sense of D. Knuth (e.g., the expected occurrences of sub-blocks in certain digital expansions), cryptography (e.g., the design of sub-linear scalar multiplication algorithms on Koblitz curves), graph theory (e.g. optimising some graph theoretical indices), number theory (e.g., algorithmic solution of Diophantine equations) and combinatorial optimisation (in particular, inverse optimisation).