Project 06: "Polynomial Diophantine equations - combinatorial and number theoretic aspects"

This project was running from 2010 until 2014.

Principal investigator: Peter Kirschenhofer
University of Leoben, Austria.
He is now associated scientist in project 8.

Associated scientist: Wilfried Imrich
University of Leoben, Austria.
He is now associated scientist in project 1.

DK Student

  • First phase of the doctoral program:
  • Mario Weitzer (Austria; September 2011–June 2015)
    Mentors: Alfred Geroldinger, Jörg Thuswaldner.
    Thesis Title: "Shift radix systems".
    PhD Defense: June 1, 2015.
    Referees: P. Kirschenhofer, R. Tichy (Graz), A. Pethő (Debrecen).
    Examiners: P. Kirschenhofer, R. Tichy (Graz).

Project description

Kirschenhofer's main interests in Discrete Mathematics are Combinatorics (enumeration problems and ``bijective'' proofs, generating functions, combinatorial identities), combinatorial questions in number theory (combinatorial problems leading to Diophantine equations), Diophantine equations (polynomial Diophantine equations, relative Thue equations) and analysis of algorithms. He is a co-researcher of a project within the FWF-NFN S96 and therefore integrated within the corresponding network of research.