A list of publications by members of the institute since 1997 sorted by year.
- , Functional iterations and periodic oscillations for simple random walk on the Sierpiński graph, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Elsevier B.V., (1997).
- , Hamiltonian cycles in circulant digraphs with two stripes, Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., 176, (1997), 233–254.
- , On-line waste management in a galvanization plant, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, University of Belgrade, 7, (1997), 1–13.
- , Waste water minimization in metal industry, In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Operational Research, Slovenian Society Informatika, (1997), 77–82.
- , Free operators with operator coefficients, Colloquium Mathematicum, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 74(2), (1997), 321–328.
- , The normalized cyclomatic quotient associated with presentations of finitely generated groups, Israel Journal of Mathematics, Springer, 99, (1997), 285–313.
- Algorithms- ESA '97, (Burkard, Rainer Ernst, G.J. Wöginger, eds.), Springer, 1284, (1997).
- , Bounded space on-line variable-sized bin packing, Acta Cybernetica, University of Szeged, 13, (1997), 63–76.
- , Efficiently solvable special cases of hard combinatorial optimization problems, Mathematical Programming, Springer, 79, (1997), 55–69.
- , A characterization of the Leinert property, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, 125(11), (1997), 3423–3431.
- , A communication assignment problem on trees: Heuristics and asymptotic behaviour, Chapter in (Pardalos, Panos M., ed.), Springer, 450, (1997), 127–155.
- Mathematics of Industrial systems II, (Burkard, Rainer Ernst, T. Ibararki, M. Queyranne, eds.), Baltzer, 69, (1997).
- , Waste treatment in a metal-processing plant, In Operations Research Proceedings, Springer, (1997), 392–397.
- , QAPLIB- A quadratic assignment problem library. Update, Journal of global optimization, Springer Netherlands, 10, (1997), 391–403.
- , Algorithmische Lösung parametrisierter Thue-Gleichungen, PhD thesis, , (1997).
- , The computational complexity of Steiner tree problems in graded matrices, Applied Mathematics Letters, Elsevier Limited, 10(4), (1997), 35–39.
- , Quadratic and three-dimensional assignments: An annotated bibliography, Chapter in , J. Wiley, (1997), 373–391.
- , A general approach for identifying special cases of the traveling salesman problem with a fixed optimal tur, OR transactions, 1, (1997), 41–53.
- , On the minimal distance between group tables, Acta scientiarum mathematicarum, University of Szeged, 63, (1997), 341–351.
- , Fast Gaussian random number generation using linear transformations, Computing, Springer Wien, 59(2), (1997), 163–181.
- , Polynomial discrepancy of sequences, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., 84(1), (1997), 107–117.
- Mathematics of industrial systems III, (Burkard, Rainer Ernst, T. Ibararki, W.R. Pulleyblank, eds.), Baltzer, 76, (1998).
- , On a Family of Quintic Thue Equations, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Elsevier B.V., 26(2), (1998), 173–185.
- , Complete solution of parametrized Thue equations, Acta mathematica et informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis, Ostravská univerzita, 6, (1998), 93–113.
- , Communication network assignment problem (CAP), Chapter in , Kluwer, (1998), 268–270.
- , The computational complexity of multi-level programming problems revisited, Chapter in , Kluwer Academic Publishers, 20, (1998), 165–179.
- , Dependent risks and ruin probabilities in insurance, ., (1998).
- , The quadratic assignment problem, Chapter in , Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2, (1998), 241–337.
- , Well-solvable special cases of the TSP, SIAM Review, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications, 40, (1998), 496–546.
- , A linear compound algorithm for uniform machines, Computing, Springer Wien, 61, (1998), 1–9.
- , A note on multifit scheduling for uniform machines, Computing, Springer Wien, 61, (1998), 277–283.
- , A linear Algorithm for the pos/neg-weighted 1-median problem on a cactus, Computing, Springer Wien, 60, (1998), 193–215.
- , The Travelling Salesman and the PQ-Tree, Mathematics of operations research, INFORMS Inst.for Operations Res.and the Management Sciences, 23, (1998), 613–623.
- , The k-minimum spanning tree problem in graded matrices, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier B.V., 36, (1998), 61–67.
- , Quadratic Assignment Problems: Theory and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1998).
- , A unified approach to simple special cases of extremal permutations, Optimization, Taylor and Francis Ltd., 44, (1998), 123–138.
- , The simple block iterative algorithm of an extended entropy model and its convergence, Acta mathematicae applicatae Sinica / English series, Springer Verlag, 14, (1998), 96–105.
- , On the traveling salesman problem with a relaxed Monge matrix, Information Processing Letters, Elsevier B.V., 67, (1998), 231–237.
- , The quadratic assignment problem with a monotone anti-Monge matrix and a symmetric toeplitz matrix: Easy and hard cases, Mathematical Programming, Springer, 82, (1998), 128–158.
- , One, two, three, many, or: complexity aspects of dynamic network flows with dedicated arcs, Operations Research Letters, Elsevier B.V., 22, (1998), 119–127.
- , Rounding strategies of mixed integer programs arising from chemical production planning, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, University of Belgrade, 8, (1998), 9–23.
- , Binomial coefficients generalized with respect to a discrete valuation, In Applications of Fibonacci Numbers, vol 7, Kluwer, 7, (1998), 133–144.
- , A process scheduling problem arising from chemical production planning, Optimization Methods & Software, Taylor and Francis Ltd., (1998), 175–196.
- , Assignment problems, In Fundamentals - Foundations of Computer Science, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, (1998), 49–61.
- , Equidistribution and Brownian motion on the Sierpiński gasket, Monatshefte fur Mathematik, Springer Wien, 125(2), (1998), 147–164.
- , Numerical analysis of Jacobi series - A quasi-Monte-Carlo approach, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Elsevier B.V., 47(2-5), (1998), 473–481.
- , The Steiner tree problem in Kalmanson matrices and in circulant matrices, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Springer Science+Business Media B.V, 3, (1999), 51–58.
- , When Schreier transversals grow wild, In Groups St. Andrews 1997 in Bath, II, Cambridge University Press, (1999), 639–647.
- , Volume maximization and orthoconvex approximation of orthogons, Computing, Springer Wien, 63, (1999), 317–330.
- , The traveling salesman problem on permuted Monge matrices, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Springer Science+Business Media B.V, 2, (1999), 333–350.
- Integer programming and combinatorial optimization, (Burkard, Rainer Ernst, G. Cornuejols, G.J. Woeginger, eds.), Springer, 1610, (1999).
- , OR Utopia, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier B.V., 119, (1999), 224–234.
- , Interpolation by integer-valued polynomials, Journal of Algebra, Elsevier B.V., 211, (1999), 562–577.
- , Batch processing in the chemical industry: a model based on nonuniform time discretization., In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Operational Research, Slovenian Society Informatika, (1999), 1–6.
- , A note on the bottleneck graph partition problem, Networks, Wiley-Liss Inc., 33(3), (1999), 189–191.
- , Minimal expansions in redundant number systems and shortest paths in graphs, Computing, Springer Wien, 63, (1999), 341–349.
- , Effective Solution of Diophantine Equations, PhD thesis, , (1999).
- , Computing norms of free operators with matrix coefficients, American Journal of Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University Press, 121(3), (1999), 453–486.
- , Dynamische Systeme und Fraktale, PhD thesis, , (1999).
- , Well-solvable Cases of Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problems - the Role of Special Cost Matrices and Related Input Restrictions, PhD thesis, , (1999).
- , QAPLIB- A quadratic assignment problem libraray, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier B.V., 55, (1999), 115–119.
- , A transportation problem with a permuted demand vector, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Physica-Verlag, 50, (1999), 1–8.
- , Polynomial functions on finite commutative rings, In Advances in Commutative Ring Theory, Dekker, 205, (1999), 323–336.
- , On Families of parametrized Thue Equations, Journal of Number Theory, Academic Press, (1999), 45–61.
- , Finitely Additive Measures on Groups and Rings, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 48, (1999), 323–340.
- , A note on the complexity of the transportation problem with a permutable demand vector, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Physica-Verlag, 50, (1999), 9–16.
- , On the generalized Ramanujan-Nagell equation x^2+D=p^z, Journal of Number Theory, Academic Press, 78, (1999), 312–331.
- , Linear assignment problems and extensions, Chapter in , Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1999), 75–149.
- , A dual framework for lower bounds of the quadratic assignment problem based on linearization, Computing, Springer Wien, 63, (1999), 351–403.
- , Effective solution of families of Thue Equations containing several parameters, Acta Arithmetica, Instytut Matematyczny, 91, (1999), 147–163.
- , Minimum cost strong network orientation problems: Classification, algorithms and complexity, Networks, Wiley-Liss Inc., 33(1), (1999), 57–70.
- , LP-discrepancy and statistical independence of sequences, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 49(1), (1999), 97–110.
- , A process with stochastic claim frequency and a linear dividend barrier, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Elsevier B.V., 24(1-2), (1999), 51–65.
- , Thue equations associated with Ankeny - Brauer - Chowla number fields, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Wiley, 60(1), (1999), 1–20.
- , Zuordnungsprobleme: Ein Streifzug durch die kombinatorische Optimierung, Chapter in , Passagen Verlag, (2000), 193–207.
- , Zur Konvergenz eines Lösungsverfahrens für ein Risikomodell mit gammaverteilten Schäden, Schweizerische Aktuarvereinigung: Mitteilungen, no. 2, (2000), 115–127.
- , Computational mathematics driven by industrial problems, Springer, 1739, (2000).
- , An asymptotic invariant of surface groups, In Computational and geometric aspects of modern algebra (Edinburgh, 1998), Cambridge University Press, (2000), 246–253.
- , Discrepancy of point sequences on fractal sets, Publicationes Mathematicae, Kossuth Lajos Tudomanyegyetem, 56(3-4), (2000), 233–249.
- , Approximating graphs with polynomial growth, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, Cambridge University Press, 42, (2000), 1–8.
- , On transience of card shuffling, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, no. 129, (2000), 1513–1519.
- Zur Kunst des Formalen Denkens, (Burkard, Rainer Ernst, W. Maass, Peter Weibel, eds.), Passagen Verlag, (2000).
- Mathematics of industrial systems IV, (Burkard, Rainer Ernst, T. Ibararki, W.R. Pulleyblank, E. Santibanez-Gonzalez, eds.), Baltzer, 96, (2000).
- , 2-Medians in networks with pos/neg weights, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., 105, (2000), 51–71.
- , Interpolation domains, Journal of Algebra, Elsevier B.V., 225, (2000), 794–803.
- , Optimal location of facilities for a two stage production process, ECMI newsletter, 28, (2000), 14–16.
- , Random Walks on Infinite Graphs and Groups, Cambridge University Press, 138, (2000).
- , On general families of parametrized Thue equations, In Algebraic number theory and Diophantine analysis, Walter de Gruyter & Co., (2000), 215–238.
- , Location problems: from classical geometry to managerial decisions, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Springer, 8, (2000), 3–11.
- , The Diophantine equation f(cursive Greek chi) = g(y), Acta Arithmetica, Instytut Matematyczny, 95(3), (2000), 261–288.
- , Heat diffusion on homogenous trees (Note on a paper by Medolla and Setti), Bolletino della Unione Matematica Italiana B, Zanichelli Editore SpA, no. 4-B, (2001), 703–709.
- , On rank, root and equations in free groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, World Scientific, 11(3), (2001), 375–390.
- , On the Computation of Spectra in Free Probability, Journal of Functional Analysis, Academic Press, 183(2), (2001), 451–471.
- , Ruin Models in Finance and Insurance: Exact Solutions and Simulation Methodology, PhD thesis, , (2001).
- , Graphen und Minimale Ziffernentwicklungen, PhD thesis, , (2001).
- , Nullstellensatz and Skolem properties for integer-valued polynomials, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, de Gruyter, 536, (2001), 31–42.
- , On a conjecture of E. Thomas concerning parametrized Thue equations, Acta Arithmetica, Instytut Matematyczny, 98, (2001), 375–394.
- , On a gamma series expansion for the time-dependent probability of collective ruin, Insurance / Mathematics & economics, Elsevier B.V., 29(3), (2001), 345–355.
- , Subgroups of finite index and the fc-localization, Communications in Algebra, Taylor and Francis Ltd., 29(5), (2001), 1983–1991.
- , Robust problems with pos/neg weights on a tree, Networks, Wiley-Liss Inc., 38, (2001), 102–113.
- , End compactifications in non-locally-finite-graphs, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Cambridge University Press, 131, (2001), 427–443.
- , Trees and paths: graph optimization problems with industrial applications, Chapter in , Springer, 1739, (2001), 1–38.
- , Capacity expansion and weight reduction problems, In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Operational Research, Slovenian Society Informatika, (2001), 119–124.
- , Computation of some examples of Brown's spectral measure in free probability, Colloquium Mathematicum, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 90(2), (2001), 181–211.
- , Bottleneck capacity expansion problems with general budget constraints, RAIRO / Operations research, EDP Sciences, 35, (2001), 1–20.
- , The obnoxious center problem on a tree, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications, 14, (2001), 498–509.
- , Linear approximations in a dynamic programming approach for the uncapacitated single-source minimum concave network flow problem in acyclic networks, Journal of global optimization, Springer Netherlands, 19, (2001), 121–139.
- , On Explicit Bounds for the Solutions of a Class of Parametrized Thue Equations of Arbitrary Degree, Monatshefte für Mathematik, Springer Wien, 132, (2001), 325–339.
- , On Minimal Expansions in Redundant Number Systems: Algorithms and Quantitative Analysis, Computing, Springer Wien, 66, (2001), 377–393.
- , NP-hard location problems: efficiently solvable special cases and lower bounds, PhD thesis, , (2001).
- , Transportation problems, Chapter in , Physica-Verlag, (2001), 249–261.
- Mathematics of industrial systems V, (Burkard, Rainer Ernst, T. Ibaraki, W.R. Pulleyblank, H. Blank, G. Mirta, S. Noble, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 107, (2001).
- , Risk Theory with a Nonlinear Dividend Barrier, Computing, Springer Wien, 68, (2002), 289–311.
- Combinatorial and global optimization, (P. Pardalos, A. Migdalas, Burkard, Rainer Ernst, eds.), World Scientific, 14, (2002).
- , Gentechnologie - Fluch oder Segen?, Shaker-Verlag GmbH, (2002).
- , The travelling salesman problem, Chapter in , Oxford University Press, (2002), 616–624.
- , Random walks on trees with finitely many cone types, Journal of Theoretical Probability, Springer Science+Business Media B.V, 15, (2002), 383–422.
- , Metric distribution results for sequences (q_n a), Mathematica Slovaca, deGruyter, 52(2), (2002), 195–206.
- , Bounds and approximations for discrete Asian options in a variance-gamma model, Grazer mathematische Berichte, 345, (2002), 35–57.
- , On Hamiltonian Toeplitz Graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., 245, (2002), 107–125.
- , Assignment problems, Chapter in , Oxford University Press, (2002), 661–678.
- , Erratum: Heat diffusion on homogeneous trees (Note on a paper by Medolla and Setti), Bolletino della Unione Matematica Italiana B, Zanichelli Editore SpA, 5-B, (2002), 259–260.
- , Thomas' family of Thue equations over imaginary quadratic fields, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Elsevier B.V., 34, (2002), 437–449.
- , Growth and ergodicity of context-free languages, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, 354, (2002), 4597–4625.
- , Alignability equivalence of synchronous sequential circuits, In Seventh IEEE International High-Level Design Validation and Test Workshop 2002, Cannes, France, (2002), 111–114.
- , Simulation of ruin probabilities for risk processes of Markovian type, Monte Carlo methods and applications, de Gruyter, 8(2), (2002), 111–127.
- , A note on the robust 1-center problem on trees, Annals of Operations Research, Springer Netherlands, 110, (2002), 68–82.
- , Makespan minimization of chemical batch processes using non-uniform time-grids, Computers & Chemical Engineering, Elsevier B.V., 26, (2002), 1321–1332.
- , Minimal Redundant Digit Expansions in the Gaussian Integers, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, Université Bordeaux 1, 14, (2002), 517–528.
- , Entropie und Chaos in Stadt und Verkehr, Shaker-Verlag GmbH, (2002).
- , Free cumulants and enumeration of connected partitions, European Journal of Combinatorics, Elsevier B.V., 23(8), (2002), 1025–1031.
- , Efficient Simulation Techniques for a Generalized Ruin Model, Grazer mathematische Berichte, 245, (2002), 79–110.
- , Selected topics in assignment problems, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., 123, (2002), 257–302.
- , Maximal spannende Baumprobleme mit einer Hierarchie von zwei Entscheidungsträgern, PhD thesis, , (2002).
- , Boundary and entropy of space homogeneous Markov chains, The Annals of Probability, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 30, (2002), 323–363.
- , Generating function techniques for random walks on graphs, Chapter in , American Mathematical Society, 338, (2003), 380–414.
- , Finding all essential terms of characteristic maxpolynomial, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., 130, (2003), 367–380.
- , Center Problems with pos/neg weights on trees, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier B.V., 145, (2003), 483–495.
- , Carry propagation in signed digit representations, European Journal of Combinatorics, Elsevier B.V., 24(3), (2003), 293–320.
- , Decomposing, counting and generating unlabeled cubic planar graphs uniformly at random, In European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, ., (2003), 61–66.
- , Cumulants in noncommutative probability theory II.Generalized Gaussian random variables, Probability Theory and Related Fields, Springer, 127(3), (2003), 407–422.
- , First hitting times of simple random walks on graphs with congestion points, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, no. 30, (2003), 1911–1922.
- , Speed of stochastic locally contractive systems, The Annals of Probability, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 31(4), (2003), 2040–2067.
- , Multivariate approximation methods for the pricing of catastrophe-linked bonds, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 145, (2003), 21–39.
- Fractals in Graz 2001: Analysis - Dynamics - Geometry - Stochastics, (Peter Grabner, Wolfgang Woess, eds.), Birkhäuser, (2003).
- , Computation of ideal and Nadir values and implications for their use in MCDM methods, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier B.V., 151, (2003), 119–139.
- , Growth sensitivity of context-free languages, Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier B.V., 307, (2003), 103–116.
- , Generating labeled planar graphs uniformly at random, In Automata, Languages and Programming, Springer, 2719, (2003), 1095–1107.
- , Which cost matrices are immune against the transportation paradox?, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., 130, (2003), 495–501.
- , Cumulants, lattice paths, and orthogonal polynomials, Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., 270, (2003), 177–191.
- , Constrained Steiner trees in Halin graphs, RAIRO / Operations research, EDP Sciences, 37, (2003), 179–194.
- , On planarity and colorability of circulant graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., 268, (2003), 153–169.
- , Subblock occurrences in signed digit representations, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, Cambridge University Press, 45, (2003), 427–440.
- , Kazhdan's property T for the symplectic group over a ring, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin, Belgian Mathematical Society, 10(4), (2003), 537–550.
- , Max-algebra and the linear assignment problem, Mathematical Programming, Springer, 98, (2003), 415–429.
- , Simulation Methods in Ruin Models with Non-linear Dividend Barriers, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Elsevier B.V., 62, (2003), 277–287.
- , On the Diophantine equation Gn(x) = Gm(P(x)): Higher-order recurrences, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, 355(11), (2003), 4657–4681.
- , Inverse Combinatorial Optimization: A Survey on Problems, Methods, and Results, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Springer Science+Business Media B.V, 8, (2004), 329–361.
- , Nonparametrical statistical tests, PhD thesis, , (2004).
- , Discussion of "Optimal Dividends: Analysis with Brownian Motion" by H. Gerber and E. Shiu, North American Actuarial Journal, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 8(2), (2004), 111–113.
- , Cumulants in Noncommutative Probability Theory I. Noncommutative Exchangeability Systems, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Springer New York, 248, (2004), 67–100.
- , Efficiency test of pseudorandom number generators using random walks, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., 174(1), (2004), 165–177.
- , Integrally closed domains, minimal polynomials, and null ideals of matrices, Communications in Algebra, Taylor and Francis Ltd., 32(5), (2004), 2015–2017.
- , Minimal Expansions in Redundant Number Systems: Fibonacci Bases and Greedy Algorithms, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, Springer Science+Business Media B.V, 49, (2004), 65–89.
- , Generic Hermitian Quantifier Elimination, In Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, 7th International Conference, AISC 2004, Proceedings (Bruno Buchberger, John Campbell, eds.), Springer, (2004), 80–93.
- , Growth of self-similar graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, Wiley-Blackwell, 45, (2004), 224–239.
- , Operational Time, Chapter in , Wiley, (2004), 1207–1208.
- , Asymptotics of the Transition Probabilities of the Simple Random Walk on Self-Similar Graphs, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, 356, (2004), 393–414.
- Random Walks and Geometry, (Kaimanovich, Vadim A., Klaus Schmidt, Wolfgang Woess, eds.), de Gruyter, (2004).
- , Mixed-integer linear programs for batch processes, In Discrete optimization methods in production and logistics (DOM'2004), ., (2004), 108–113.
- , Inverse p-median problems, Discrete Optimization, Elsevier B.V., no. 1, (2004), 23–39.
- , A ruin model with dependence between claim sizes and claim intervals, Insurance / Mathematics & economics, Elsevier B.V., 35(2), (2004), 245–254.
- , Markov Models in Actuarial Science, Chapter in , Wiley, (2004), 1094–1096.
- , Inhomogeneous Markov chains, Monte Carlo simulation, and their application in Combinatorial Optimization, PhD thesis, , (2004).
- , Random walks on finite graphs with congestion points, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier Inc., 153(2), (2004), 601–610.
- , Minimum cost dynamic flow problems: The series-parallel case, Networks, Wiley-Liss Inc., 43, (2004), 153–162.
- , On Asian Option Pricing for NIG Levy Processes, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., 172(1), (2004), 153–168.
- , Quasi-Monte Carlo techniques for CAT bond pricing, Monte Carlo methods and applications, de Gruyter, 10(3-4), (2004), 197–212.
- , Automatic solution of families of thue equations and an example of degree 8, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Elsevier B.V., 38, (2004), 1145–1163.
- , Variants of the Assignment Problem and of the Transportation Problem, PhD thesis, , (2004).
- , Distribution results for low-weight binary representations for pairs of integers, Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier B.V., 319, (2004), 307–331.
- , Weight reduction problems with certain bottleneck objectives, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier B.V., 153, (2004), 191–199.
- , Isotropic random walks in a building of type A_d , Mathematische Zeitschrift, Springer New York, 247, (2004), 101–135.
- , The Bass conjecture and growth in groups, Colloquium Mathematicum, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 100, (2004), 23–27.
- , Risk Measures in Finance and Insurance: Mathematical and Practical Aspects, PhD thesis, , (2004).
- , On the Euclidean TSPwith a permuted Van der Veen matrix, Information Processing Letters, Elsevier B.V., 91, (2004), 259–262.
- , The Valuation of Asian Options in Market Models of Exponential Levy Type, In Proceedings of the 2nd Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Day, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Arts and Sciences, ., (2004), 11–20.
- , Renewal theory on the affine group of an oriented tree, Journal of Theoretical Probability, Springer Science+Business Media B.V, 17(4), (2004), 819–859.
- , The Diophantine equation α( m x) + β( n y) = γ, Publicationes Mathematicae, Kossuth Lajos Tudomanyegyetem, 64(1-2), (2004), 155–165.
- , Static hedging of Asian options under stochastic volatility models using Fast Fourier transform, Chapter in , Wiley, (2005), 129–148.
- , Review, extensions and computational comparison of MILP formulations for scheduling of batch processes, Computers & Chemical Engineering, Elsevier B.V., 29, (2005), 1752–1769.
- , A note on the norms of transition operators on lamplighter graphs and groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, World Scientific, 15(5-6), (2005), 1261–1272.
- , Reverse Median Problems on Graphs, In Oberwolfach Report No. 50/2005, ., (2005), 2854–2856.
- , Analysis of linear combination algorithms in cryptography, ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Association of Computing Machinery, 1(1), (2005), 123–142.
- , (Generalized) Convexity and Discrete Optimization, Chapter in (Andrew Eberhard, Nicolas Hadjisavvas, Luc, Dinh The, eds.), Springer, (2005), 23–37.
- , Relative property (T) and related properties of wreath products, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Springer New York, 251(1), (2005), 167–177.
- , Semivariogram Fitting with a Simple Optimizing Algorithm, Journal of Applied Sciences, Asian Network for Scientific Information, 5, (2005), 1405–1407.
- , A note on the asymptotic behaviour of bottleneck problems, Operations Research Letters, Elsevier B.V., 33(2), (2005), 183–186.
- , Counting optimal joint digit expansions, INTEGERS: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, de Gruyter, 5, (2005), A09–A09.
- , Maximum Kr+1-free graphs which are not r-partite, Matematychni studii, VNTL Publishers, 24(1), (2005), 12–20.
- , On the distribution of dividend payments and the discounted penalty function in a risk model with linear dividend barrier, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, Taylor and Francis Ltd., no. No. 2, (2005), 103–126.
- , Lamplighters, Diestel-Leader graphs, random walks, and harmonic functions, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing, Cambridge University Press, 14(3), (2005), 415–433.
- , Polynomial separation of points in algebras, In Arithmetical Properties of Commutative Rings and Monoids (Chapman, Scott T., ed.), Chapman & Hall / CRC, 241, (2005), 253–259.
- , Discussion of "The Time Value of Ruin in a Sparre Andersen Model" by H. Gerber and E. Shiu, North American Actuarial Journal, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 9(2), (2005), 71–74.
- , The reel and sheet cutting problem in paper industry, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Springer, 13, (2005), 147–167.
- , An arrangement of pseudocircles not realizable with circles, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, Springer, 46(2), (2005), 351–356.
- , On the number of series-parallel and outerplanar graphs, In Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings, AE, ., (2005), 383–388.
- , The alternating greedy expansion and applications to computing digit expansions from left-to-right in cryptography, Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier B.V., 341, (2005), 55–72.
- , Deterministic Online Optical Call Admission Revisited, In Oberwolfach reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, (2005), 2918–2920.
- , On the distribution of dividend payments in a Sparre Andersen model with generalized Erlang(n) interclaim times, Insurance / Mathematics & economics, Elsevier B.V., 37(2), (2005), 324–334.
- , Sampling unlabeled biconnected planar graphs, In Algorithms and computation, Springer, 3827, (2005), 593–603.
- , Faster algorithms for computing power indices in weighted voting games, Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier B.V., 49, (2005), 111–116.
- , Spectral computations on lamplighter groups and Diestel-Leader graphs, The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, Birkhäuser Boston, 11(2), (2005), 175–202.
- , Cumulants in Noncommutative Probability III: Creation and Annihilation Operators on Fock Spaces, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, World Scientific, 8(3), (2005), 407–437.
- , Some Extensions of the Classical Ruin Model in Risk Theory, Grazer mathematische Berichte, 348, (2005), 1–14.
- , Static hedging of Asian options under Levy models: the comonotonicity approach, The journal of derivatives, Institutional Investor, Inc, 12(3), (2005), 63–72.
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