
Topics for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Thesis

The institute offers various research topics in discrete mathematics and optimization.

For non-exhaustive lists of currently available topics for theses consult the teaching pages of the research groups or contact the research groups directly.

Courses of the current academic year

Wintersemester 2024/25

MAT.325UF Combinatorial Optimization 1
3 VO Eranda Dragoti-Cela
505.045 Mathematical Problem Solving
1 SE Stephan Wagner
505.039 Mathematics A for Electrical and Electronics Engineering
6 VU Stephan Wagner
Michael Wallner
505.022 Fundamental Topics Algebra: Random Matrices
1 UE Adrian de Jesus Celestino Rodriguez
DAT.C116UF Random Matrices
3 VO Franz Lehner
DAT.C117UF Random Matrices
1 UE Adrian de Jesus Celestino Rodriguez
MAT.804UF Elective Subject Mathematics: Random Matrices
1 UE Adrian de Jesus Celestino Rodriguez
MAT.321UF Combinatorial Optimization 1
4 VO Eranda Dragoti-Cela
MAT.515UF Complexity theory
1 UE Bettina Klinz
503.061 Probability and Stochastic Processes
2 VO Stephan Wagner
501.011 Mathematics I, M
4 VO Philipp Sprüssel
Mihyun Kang
501.012 Mathematics I, M
2 UE Anna Geisler
Mihyun Kang
Philipp Sprüssel
MAT.514UF Complexity theory
3 VO Bettina Klinz
MAT.523UF Risk theory and management in actuarial science
1 UE Eranda Dragoti-Cela
MAT.431UF Operations Research
1 UE Bettina Klinz
501.042 Mathematics 0
1 VO Philipp Sprüssel
505.018 Grundthemen Functional Analysis: Random Matrices
3 VO Franz Lehner
503.045 Mathematics A for Electrical Engineering
2 UE Michael Wallner
Stephan Wagner
MAT.611UF Seminar (Combinatorics)
2 SE Mihyun Kang
505.003 Privatissimum (Combinatorics)
2 PV Mihyun Kang
MAT.322UF Combinatorial Optimization 1
1 UE Eranda Dragoti-Cela
502.991 Privatissimum (Optimisation)
2 PV Eranda Dragoti-Cela
Bettina Klinz
MAT.607UF Seminar (Optimization)
2 SE Bettina Klinz
Eranda Dragoti-Cela
MAT.105UF Computer mathematics
3 VU Franz Lehner
Stefan Rosenberger
MAC.02033UF Linear Algebra, Exercises
2 UE Anna Geisler
MAT.609UF Combinatorial Probability
2 SE Wolfgang Woess
Franz Lehner
Stephan Wagner
503.044 Mathematics A for Electrical Engineering
4 VO Michael Wallner
Stephan Wagner
MAT.733UF Elective Subject Mathematics: Random Matrices
3 VO Franz Lehner
GEO.A1UF Mathematics 0
1 VO Philipp Sprüssel
503.062 Probability and Stochastic Processes
1 UE Michael Wallner
MAT.522UF Risk theory and management in actuarial science
3 VO Eranda Dragoti-Cela
MAT.511UF Probabilistic method in combinatorics and algorithmics
3 VU Joshua Erde
502.999 Fit for Math
1 VO Philipp Sprüssel
501.013 Tutorial Mathematics I, M
1 UE Philipp Sprüssel
505.998 Fit for Math
1 UE Philipp Sprüssel
MAT.430UF Operations Research
3 VO Bettina Klinz
503.055 Mathematics A for Electrical Engineers, Tutorial
1 KV Michael Wallner

Sommersemester 2025

IND.01008UF Discrete Mathematics for Supplementary teacher training program Computer Science/Digital Education
3 VU Philipp Sprüssel
505.047 Mathematics B for Electrical and Electronics Engineering
6 VU Stephan Wagner
Michael Wallner
503.738 Discrete Stochastics and Information Theory
1 UE Michael Wallner
501.015 Mathematics II, M
2 UE Philipp Sprüssel
Mihyun Kang
Anna Geisler
MAT.609UF Combinatorial Probability
2 SE Stephan Wagner
Franz Lehner
Wolfgang Woess
MAT.466UF Analytic combinatorics
3 VU Joshua Erde
Philipp Sprüssel
MAT.256UF Optimization I
2 UE Eranda Dragoti-Cela
MAT.612UF Seminar (Combinatorics)
2 SE Mihyun Kang
501.016 Tutorial Mathematics II, M
1 UE Philipp Sprüssel
503.052 Discrete Mathematics, Tutorial
1 KV Franz Lehner
MAT.158UF Discrete Mathematics
1 UE Franz Lehner
Anna Geisler
503.054 Mathematics B for Electrical Engineering
2 UE Stephan Wagner
Michael Wallner
505.012 Privatissimum (Combinatorics)
2 PV Mihyun Kang
503.056 Mathematics B for Electrical Engineers, Tutorial
1 KV Michael Wallner
MAT.157UF Discrete Mathematics
2 VO Franz Lehner
MAT.352UF Seminar (Discrete Mathematics and Algorithm Theory)
2 SE Bettina Klinz
Franz Lehner
Sophie Frisch
Oswin Aichholzer
Eranda Dragoti-Cela
Peter Grabner
Stephan Wagner
Birgit Vogtenhuber
Mihyun Kang
Christian Elsholtz
Johannes Wallner
Michael Kerber
MAT.465UF Advanced and algorithmic graph theory
1 UE Joshua Erde
MAT.461UF Mathematical foundations of information theory
1 UE Michael Wallner
MAT.409UF Mathematical foundations of information theory
1 KV Stephan Wagner
505.009 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Studies, Tutorial
1 KV Franz Lehner
505.006 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Studies
5 VU Franz Lehner
Adrian de Jesus Celestino Rodriguez
503.053 Mathematics B for Electrical Engineering
4 VO Stephan Wagner
Michael Wallner
MAT.372UF Bachelor Thesis (Discrete Mathematics and Algorithm Theory)
1 SE Mihyun Kang
Johannes Wallner
Sophie Frisch
Eranda Dragoti-Cela
Christian Elsholtz
Stephan Wagner
Oswin Aichholzer
Bettina Klinz
Birgit Vogtenhuber
Peter Grabner
Michael Kerber
Franz Lehner
503.737 Discrete Stochastics and Information Theory (Computer Science)
3 VO Stephan Wagner
MAT.482UF Combinatorial optimisation 2
3 VO Bettina Klinz
501.014 Mathematics II, M
4 VO Mihyun Kang
Philipp Sprüssel
MAT.464UF Advanced and algorithmic graph theory
3 VO Joshua Erde
MAT.156UF Programmieren C++
4 VU Stefan Rosenberger
MAT.392UF Optimization problems in mathematics of finance
2 VU Eranda Dragoti-Cela
502.990 Privatissimum (Optimisation)
2 PV Bettina Klinz
Eranda Dragoti-Cela
MAT.460UF Mathematical foundations of information theory
3 VO Stephan Wagner
MAT.483UF Combinatorial optimisation 2
1 UE Bettina Klinz
MAT.255UF Optimization 1
4 VO Eranda Dragoti-Cela
MAT.606UF Seminar (Optimization)
2 SE Eranda Dragoti-Cela
Bettina Klinz