Aim of the workshop
The Workshop with the short title "Boundaries" is the last event in the series "GROUPS: European training courses and conferences in group theory", with principal funding coming (at least in theory) from the EU Marie Curie program. (Previous events: Geneva, Marseille, Vienna, Anogia (Crete) and- in December 2008 - Jerusalem)
This workshop is supported by Graz University of Technology, Austria and by the European funding programme "Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses".
The aim of the workshop is to bring together mathematicians working on groups, graphs, manifolds, etc., in the context of probability (random walks, Brownian motion), harmonic analysis, potential theory, ergodic theory, geometric group theory and related topics. The title indicates a central topic but is not to be considered the exclusive theme.
You can download the poster of the conference here (pdf file).
Scientific Committee
- Tatiana Nagnibeda-Smirnova (Geneva University, Switzerland)
- Christophe Pittet (University of Aix-Marseille 1, France)
- Hamish Short (Université d’Aix-Marseille I, France)
- Wolfgang Woess (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
Local Committee
- Ecaterina Sava (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
- Wolfgang Woess (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
The workshop will take place in Graz, at the Technical University (TUGraz) between June 29- July 4, 2009. Graz is the 2nd largest city in Austria with 235.000 inhabitants, the capital of the region of Styria in the Southeast of Austria. It has an intact old center, hilly surroundings with wine growing areas to the South and mountains to the North. For details, see Local information.
New: Alp-Workshop July 4-5, 2009, Austria
The workshop will take place in St. Kathrein am Offenegg (a small mountain village close to Graz), Austria. The Alp-Workshop is meant to bring together people from probability theory and the spectral theory of operators. The goal of the workshop is a discussion concerning random graphs from the viewpoint of either of these two fields. Probabilistic aspects of the graph's randomness (e.g. independence, stationarity) and the nature of the random walk (e.g. recurrence) are opposed to spectral properties of the corresponding Laplacians (e.g. spectral radius, type of spectrum, density of states). In particular, spectral properties of percolation models and Erdös-Renyi random graphs will be among the fields of interest.