86. Triple correlation and long gaps in the spectrum of flat tori. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 26 (2024), no. 1, 41–74. (joint work with V. Blomer and M. Radziwill) [preprint] |
85. On the distribution of partial quotients of reduced fractions with fixed denominator. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 377 (2024), no. 2, 1371–1408. (joint work with B. Borda and M. Hauke) [preprint] |
84. On the order of magnitude of Sudler products. Amer. J. Math. 145 (2023), no. 3, 721–764. (joint work with N. Technau and A. Zafeiropoulos) [preprint] |
83. Maximizing Sudler products via Ostrowski expansions and cotangent sums. Algebra Number Theory 17 (2023), no. 3, 667–717. (joint work with B. Borda) [preprint] |
82. Difference sets and the metric theory of small gaps. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2023, no. 5, 3848–3884. (joint work with D. El-Baz and M. Munsch) [preprint] |
81. On the metric theory of approximations by reduced fractions: a quantitative Koukoulopoulos-Maynard theorem. Compos. Math. 159 (2023), no. 2, 207–231. (joint work with B. Borda and M. Hauke) [preprint] |
80. Gap statistics and higher correlations for geometric progressions modulo one. Math. Ann. 385 (2023), no. 1-2, 845–861. (joint work with S. Baker, N. Technau and N. Yesha) [preprint] |
79. Large deviation principles for lacunary sums. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376 (2023), no. 1, 507–553. (joint work with N. Gantert, Z. Kabluchko, J. Prochno and K. Ramanan) [preprint] |
78. Quantum invariants of hyperbolic knots and extreme values of trigonometric products. Math. Z. 302 (2022), no. 2, 759–782. (joint work with B. Borda) [preprint] |
77. A pair correlation problem, and counting lattice points with the zeta function. Geom. Funct. Anal. 31 (2021), no. 3, 483–512. (joint work with D. El-Baz and M. Munsch) [preprint] |
76. On the number of gaps of sequences with Poissonian pair correlations. Discrete Math. 344 (2021), no. 11, Paper No. 112555, 13 pp. (joint work with T. Lachmann, P. Leonetti and P. Minelli) [preprint] |
75. On the pair correlations of powers of real numbers. Israel J. Math. 242 (2021), no. 1, 243-268. (joint work with S. Baker) [preprint] |
74. Circular automata synchronize with high probability. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 178 (2021), Paper No. 105356, 30 pp. (joint work with D. D'Angeli, A. Gutierrez, E. Rodaro and A. Rosenmann) [preprint] |
73. The Duffin-Schaeffer conjecture with extra divergence. Adv. Math. 356 (2019), Paper No. 106808, 11 pp. (joint work with T. Lachmann, M. Munsch, N. Technau and A. Zafeiropoulos) [preprint] |
72. There is no Khintchine
threshold for metric pair correlations. Mathematika 65 (2019), 929-949. (joint work with T. Lachmann and N.
Technau) [preprint] |
71. On large values of L(σ,χ).
Q. J. Math 70 (2019), 831-848. (joint work with K.
Mahatab, M. Munsch
and A. Peyrot) [preprint] |
70. Normal numbers with digit
dependencies. Trans. AMS 372 (2019), 4425-4446. (joint work with
V. Becher and O. Carton)
[preprint] |
69. Extreme values of the Riemann
zeta function on the 1-line. Int. Math. Res. Not.
IMRN 22 (2019), 6924--6932. (joint work with K.
Mahatab and M. Munsch)
[preprint] |
68. Pair correlations and
equidistribution. J. Number Th. 182 (2018), 206--220.
(joint work with T.
Lachmann and F.
Pausinger) [preprint] |
67. On Quasi-Energy-Spectra, Pair
Correlations of Sequences and Additive Combinatorics.
In: Contemporary Computational Mathematics - a celebration
of the 80th birthday of Ian Sloan, Springer Verlag, pages
1--16, 2018. (joint work with I. Aichinger and G.
Larcher) [preprint] |
66. On Weyl products and uniform
distribution modulo one. Monatshefte Math. 185 (2018),
no. 3, 365--395. (joint work with G.
Larcher, F.
Pillichshammer, R. Tichy
and S. Saad Eddin) [preprint] |
65. Irregularities of
distributions and extremal sets in combinatorial
complexity theory. In: Contemporary Computational
Mathematics - a celebration of the 80th birthday of Ian
Sloan, Springer Verlag, pages 59--74, 2018. (joint work with
Hinrichs) [preprint] |
64. On the construction of
absolutely normal numbers. Acta Arith. 180 (2017), no.
4, 333--346. (joint work with A. Scheerer, V. Becher and T. Slaman)
[preprint] |
63. Tusnady's problem, the transference
principle, and non-uniform QMC sampling. Monte Carlo
and quasi-Monte Carlo methods 2016, Springer Proc. Math.
Stat. 241, pages 169--180, 2018. (joint work with D. Bilyk and A. Nikolov)
[preprint] |
62. Some recent developments at the
intersection of Diophantine approximation, analytic number
theory, and irregularities of distributions.
RIMS Kokyuroku 2014 (2017), 161--172. (joint work with R. Hofer and G.
Larcher) [preprint] |
61. Additive energy and the
Hausdorff dimension of the exceptional set in metric pair
correlation problems. With an appendix by Jean Bourgain.
Israel J. Math. 222 (2017), no. 1, 463--485. (joint work
with G.
Larcher and M. Lewko) [preprint] |
60. Additive energy and
irregularities of distribution. Unif. Distrib.
Theory 12 (2017), no. 1, 99--107. (joint work with G. Larcher) [preprint] |
59. Large values of L-functions
from the Selberg class. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 446
(2017), no. 1, 345--364. (joint work with Ł.
Pańkowski) [preprint] |
58. On evil Kronecker sequences and
lacunary trigonometric products. Ann. Inst. Fourier 67
(2017), no. 2, 637--687. (joint work with R. Hofer and G.
Larcher) [preprint] |
57. On functions of bounded
variation. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 162
(2017), no. 3, 405--418. (joint work with F. Pausinger, A. M. Svane and R.
Tichy) [preprint] |
56. On the size of the
largest empty box amidst a point set. Discr. Appl.
Math. 230 (2017), 146--150. (joint work with A. Hinrichs and D. Rudolf) [preprint] |
55. On sequences with
prescribed metric discrepancy behavior. Monatshefte
Math. 181 (2016), no. 3, 507--514. (joint work with G. Larcher) [preprint] |
54. Metric results on the
discrepancy of sequences $(a_n α)_{n \geq 1}$ modulo one
for integer sequences $(a_n)_{n \geq 1}$ of polynomial
growth. Mathematika 62 (2016), no. 1-2, 478--491.
(joint work with G. Larcher) [preprint] |
53. Lower bounds for the
maximum of the Riemann zeta function along vertical lines.
Math. Ann. 365 (2016), no. 1, 473--496. [preprint] |
52. On some questions of
V. I. Arnold on the stochasticity of geometric and
arithmetic progressions. Nonlinearity 28 (2015),
no. 10, 3663--3675. [preprint] |
51. Convergence of series
of dilated functions and spectral norms of GCD matrices.
Acta Arith. 168 (2015), no. 3, 221--246. (joint work with I.
Berkes, K. Seip and M. Weber) [preprint] |
50. On the law of the
iterated logarithm for trigonometric series with bounded
gaps II. J. Theor. Nombres Bordeaux 28 (2016), no.
2, 391--416. (joint work with K. Fukuyama) [preprint] |
49. Functions of bounded
variation, signed measures, and a general Koksma--Hlawka
inequality. Acta Arith. 167 (2015), no. 2,
143--171. (joint work with J. Dick) [preprint] |
48. Extremal discrepancy
behavior of lacunary sequences. Monatsh. Math. 177
(2015), no. 2, 167--184. (joint work with K. Fukuyama) [preprint] |
47. Low-discrepancy point
sets for non-uniform measures. Acta Arith. 163
(2014), no. 4, 345--369. (joint work with J. Dick) [preprint] |
46. On the limit
distribution of the normality measure of random binary
sequences. Bull. London Math. Soc. 46 (2014), no.
5, 968--980. [preprint] |
45. Tractability results
for the weighted star-discrepancy. J. Complexity 30
(2014), no. 4, 381--391. [preprint] |
44. GCD sums from Poisson
integrals and systems of dilated functions. J. Eur.
Math. Soc. 17 (2015), no. 6, 1517--1546. (joint work with I.
Berkes and K. Seip)
[preprint] |
43. Metric number theory,
lacunary series and systems of dilated functions.
Uniform distribution and quasi-Monte Carlo methods, 1--16,
Radon Ser. Comput. Appl. Math., 15, De Gruyter, Berlin,
2014. [preprint] |
42. A note on the
Duffin-Schaeffer conjecture with slow divergence.
Bull. London Math. Soc. 46 (2014), no. 1, 164--168.
[preprint] |
41. Quantitative uniform
distribution results for geometric progressions.
Israel J. Math. 204 (2014), no. 1, 155--197. [preprint] |
40. On the distribution
functions of two oscillating sequences. Unif.
Distrib. Theory 8 (2013), no. 2, 157--169. (joint work with
Hofer and M. Madritsch) |
39. Normal numbers and
the normality measure. Comb. Prob. Comp. 22 (2013),
no. 3, 342--345. [preprint] |
38. On a problem of
Bourgain concerning the L^1-norm of exponential sums.
Math. Z. 275 (2013), no. 3-4, 681--688. [preprint] |
37. On the uniform
distribution modulo 1 of multidimensional LS-sequences.
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 193 (2014), no. 5, 1329--1344.
(joint work with M.
Hofer and V.
[preprint] |
36. Probabilistic
discrepancy bound for Monte Carlo point sets. Math.
Comp. 83 (2014), no. 287, 1373--1381. (joint work with M.
[preprint] |
35. Probabilistic star
discrepancy bounds for double infinite random matrices.
Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods 2012, 271--287,
Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 65, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013.
(joint work with M. Weimar) [preprint] |
34. Point Sets on the
Sphere S^2 with Small Spherical Cap Discrepancy.
Discr. Comp. Geometry 48 (2012), no. 4, 990--1024. (joint
work with J. Brauchart and J. Dick) |
33. On the maximal
spectral type of a class of rank one transformations.
Dyn. Syst., 27 (2012), no. 4, 515--523. (joint work with M.
[preprint] |
32. Optimal bound for the
discrepancies of lacunary sequences. Acta Arith.
158 (2013), no. 3, 229-243. (joint work with K. Fukuyama and Y. Furuya) [preprint] |
31. A central limit theorem for Latin hypercube
sampling with dependence and application to exotic basket
option pricing. Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance 15
(2012), no.7, 20 pp. (joint work with M.
and R.F. Tichy) [preprint] |
30. On the limit distribution of the
well-distribution measure of random binary sequences.
J. Theor. Nombres Bordeaux 25 (2013), no. 2,
245--259. [preprint] |
29. On the inverse of the discrepancy for infinite
dimensional infinite sequences. J. Complexity 29
(2013), no. 2, 182--194. [preprint] |
28. On the system $f(nx)$ and probabilistic number
theory. Analytic and
probabilistic methods in number theory, 1--18, TEV,
Vilnius, 2012. Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference in honour of J. Kubilius held in Palanga. (joint work with I.
Berkes and R.F. Tichy) [preprint] |
27. On the limit distribution of consecutive
elements of the van der Corput sequence. Unif.
Distrib. Theory 8 (2013), no. 1, 89--96. (joint work with M.
[preprint] |
26. Probabilistic error bounds for the discrepancy
of mixed sequences. Monte Carlo Methods Appl. 18
(2012), no. 2, 181--200. (joint work with M.
[preprint] |
25. Limit distributions in metric discrepancy
theory. Monatsh. Math. 169 (2013), no. 3, 253--265.
(joint work with I.
Berkes) [preprint] |
24. On the law of the iterated logarithm for the
discrepancy of lacunary sequences II. Trans. AMS
365 (2013), no. 7, 3713--3728. [preprint] |
23. Uniform Distribution of generalized Kakutani's
sequences of partitions. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 192
(2013), no. 4, 529--538. (joint work with M.
[preprint] |
22. On the law of the iterated logarithm for
permuted lacunary sequences. Proc. Steklov Inst.
Math. 276 (2012), 3--20. (joint work with I.
Berkes and R.F. Tichy) |
21. On modifying normal numbers. Unif.
Distrib. Theory 6 (2011), no. 2, 49--58. [preprint] |
20. On permutations of lacunary series.
Functions in number theory and their probabilistic
aspects, 1--25, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, B34, Res. Inst.
Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2012. (joint work with I.
Berkes and R.F. Tichy) |
19. The central limit theorem for subsequences in
probabilistic number theory. Canad. J. Math., 64
(2012), no. 6, 1201--1221. (joint work with C. Elsholtz) [preprint] |
18. On the law of the iterated logarithm for
trigonometric series with bounded gaps. Probab. Th.
Rel. Fields, 154 (2012), no. 3-4, 607--620. (joint work with
K. Fukuyama) |
17. Convergence of $\sum c_k f(k x)$ and the Lip
$\alpha$ class. Proc. AMS, 140 (2012), no. 11,
3893--3903. [preprint] |
16. Covering numbers, dyadic chaining and
discrepancy. J. Complexity, 27 (2011), no. 6,
531--540. [preprint] |
15. Upper and lower class separating sequences for
Brownian motion with random argument. Probab. Math.
Statist., 31 (2011), no. 2, 183--202. (joint work with S. Hörmann) [preprint]
14. On the asymptotic behavior of weakly lacunary
series. Proc. AMS, 139 (2011), no. 7, 2505--2517.
(joint work with I.
Berkes and R.F. Tichy) |
13. Lacunary sequences and
permutations. in: Dependence in probability,
analysis and number theory. A volume in memory of Walter
Philipp. Kendrick Press (2010), 35--49. (joint work with I.
Berkes and R.F. Tichy) |
12. Metric discrepancy theory, functions of bounded variation and GCD sums. Unif.
Theory 5 (2010), no. 1, 95--109. (joint work with P. Mayer and V.
Ziegler) [preprint] |
11. Probability and metric discrepancy theory. Stoch. Dyn. 11 (2011),
no. 1, 183--207. (joint work with I.
[preprint] |
10. The law of the iterated logarithm for $\sum c_k
f(n_k x)$. in:
in probability, analysis and number theory. A volume in
memory of Walter Philipp. Kendrick Press (2010), 21--34. [preprint] |
9. On permutations of Hardy-Littlewood-Polya
sequences. Trans. AMS, 363 (2011), 6219--6244.
(joint work with I.
Berkes and R.F. Tichy) [preprint] |
8. On the class of limits of lacunary trigonometric
series. Acta Math. Hungar. 129 (2010), no. 1-2,
1--23. [preprint] |
7. Irregular
of lacunary series II. Monatsh. Math. 161 (2010),
no. 3, 255--270. [preprint] |
6. Diophantine equations and the LIL for the
discrepancy of sub-lacunary sequences. Illinois J.
Math. 53 (2009), no. 3, 785--815. [preprint] |
5. Irregular discrepancy behavior of lacunary
series. Monatsh. Math. 160 (2010), no.1,
1--29. [preprint] |
4. On the law of the iterated logarithm for
the discrepancy of lacunary sequences. Trans.
AMS, 362 (2010), no. 11, 5967--5982. [preprint] |
3. On the central limit theorem for f(n_k x).
Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 146 (2010), no.1-2, 267--289. (joint
work with I. Berkes)
2. On the law of the iterated logarithm for the
discrepancy of (n_k x). Monatsh. Math. 156 (2009),
no. 2, 103--121. (joint work with I.
Berkes) [preprint] |
1. On the law of the iterated logarithm for the
discrepancy of sequences (n_k x) with multidimensional
indices. Unif. Distrib. Theory 2
(2007), no. 2, 89--104. [preprint]